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What is peacekeeping force write its function?

What is peacekeeping force write its function?

The United Nations Peacekeeping Forces are employed by the World Organization to maintain or re-establish peace in an area of armed conflict. The Peacekeeping Forces are subordinate to the leadership of the United Nations. They are normally deployed as a consequence of a Security Council decision.

How is Nepal helping in peacekeeping force?

Nepal has thus far participated in 61 peacekeeping and special political missions with a total contribution of more than 1, 51,000 peacekeepers. As of March 2021, a total of 5,681 Nepali peacekeepers have been serving in 12 peacekeeping and special political missions in 11 countries.

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How are the Nepalese army helping the UN to maintain peace and security in the world?

As a member of United Nations Organization, Nepal has been helping the UNO in maintaining peace by sending its troops to UN Peace Keeping Force. The Nepalese Army and Nepal Police have been deployed in many conflicting areas of the world by the UNO as a peacekeeping force. Nepal is also the active member of SAARC.

When did Nepal start to send Nepal Army in UN peacekeeping force?

Nepal for the first time started its participation in the UN Observation Group in Lebanon in 1958. Since then, some 135,000 security personnel have already served in the peacekeeping missions.

What is the position of Nepal in peacekeeping contributor to the United Nations?

Nepal has climbed to the third position on the list of the countries contributing the largest number of peacekeeping troops to the United Nations. Nepal is only behind Bangladesh and Ethiopia in this respect.

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Are you satisfied about the role of Nepal in the UN?

Nepal’s contribution to the UN is considerable. Currently Nepal has 815 police and 3,712 soldiers contributing to peace keeping missions in 12 countries. Nepal is the 7th largest peace keeping contributor to the United Nations. Nepal and its peace keepers are invaluable in maintaining world peace efforts.

How can we make our contribution to the United Nations more effective?

Accomplishing even just some of the below would go a long way in making the UN system more effective:

  1. Make high-impact management, human resources, and accountability changes.
  2. Transform the United Nations’ development and humanitarian assistance architectures.
  3. Continue badly needed peacekeeping reforms.

What is the role of Nepal in UN?

Nepal is currently the fourth largest troops and police-contributing country. Nepal served twice in the United Nations Security Council as an elected non-permanent member, in 1969-70 and in 1988-1989. Currently, Nepal is serving as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) for the term 2018-2020.