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What is Premium SMS messaging?

What is Premium SMS messaging?

Premium SMS refers to the kind of SMS that you send off using a unique short-code where charges incurred are billed to your mobile credits. Examples of Premium SMS are as follows: – Voting (Eg: Texting in to vote for the best singer on Vocal Fusion – charges are on your credits)

How do I send a Premium SMS?

Turn Premium SMS Permissions On / Off – Samsung Galaxy S® III

  1. Apps icon. Settings. Application manager.
  2. From the ALL tab, select the appropriate messaging app (e.g., Messaging). If necessary, swipe left or right to switch tabs.
  3. From the Permissions section, tap the ‘Send premium text message’ dropdown.
  4. Select an option: Ask.
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How do I stop premium text messages?

To unsubscribe from a premium rate subscription service (a service where there is a recurring charge), send a text to the short code number for the service. Text the word STOP. Do not text any other words as it could result in you receiving even more texts. Note that a standard network charge may apply for this text.

Why can’ti send texts to premium numbers?

Try going to Settings>Apps, select the Messaging app, then Clear Defaults. If that doesn’t help, then go to the Messaging app’s settings and see if there’s an option there to enable premium SMS.

What is SMS on an Android phone?

SMS stands for Short Message Service and is commonly known as texting. It’s a way to send text-only messages of up to 160 characters between phones.

How much does Premium SMS cost?

The cost of Premium SMS varies from provider to provider, depending on the type of content, so it’s very important to look at the cost. You could be charged anywhere between 55 cents and $6.60 per message.

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What is a premium SMS and MMS?

Premium SMS / MMS services are called “premium” because users are charged a premium for using the service. This means they cost more than a standard SMS (text message) or MMS (multimedia message). …that are sent or received as an SMS/ MMS message to your mobile phone.

What is Premium SMS and MMS?

Why can I receive texts but not send them?

If your Android won’t send text messages, the first thing you should do is make sure you have a decent signal — without cell or Wi-Fi connectivity, those texts are going nowhere. A soft reset of an Android can usually fix an issue with outgoing texts, or you can also force a power cycle reset.

How does premium SMS work?

Premium sms is a mobile phone billing enabler that allows consumers to pay for goods and services by sending or receiving a sms message to/from a premium rated short phone number, known as a shortcode. It is a simple, quick and effective payment mechanism for consumers, particularly if they do not have a credit card.

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What does premium text messaging mean?

The term “Premium” in Premium Messaging means that there were charges incurred above and beyond your current monthly plan fees. For instance, if you purchased a ringtone that is delivered to your phone via a text message, the cost of the ringtone is in addition to your current monthly plan fees.

What is bulk SMS messaging?

Bulk SMS messaging is a legacy description for application-to-person SMS messaging services. It refers specifically to the sending of large number of SMS messages to the mobile phones of a predetermined group of recipients.

What is A2P SMS messaging?

There are four basic steps that occur when you send an A2P (application-to-person) message: Access your A2P messaging platform (such as SimpleTexting) Use an A2P messaging platform to send SMS or MMS message (in bulk or individually) The A2P message gets sent through a mobile network operator The A2P message arrives to your audience just like a regular SMS or MMS message