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What is premium waiver benefit in Jeevan Tarun?

What is premium waiver benefit in Jeevan Tarun?

LIC’s Premium Waiver Benefit Rider: Under the LIC’s Premium Waiver Benefit Rider, future payments of the premiums are waived off in case of unforeseen demise of the subscriber (the one who makes payments of the premiums). The policyholder gets to leverage the mode of payment for yearly and half-yearly premium payments.

Can I surrender Jeevan Tarun policy?

Other Important Features of LIC’s Jeevan Tarun Plan The policy has a Guaranteed Surrender Value when at least 3 years’ annual premium has been duly paid and the policy gets a paid-up value. Non-payment of premium can lead to a lapsed insurance policy.

What is the return in Jeevan Tarun policy?

LIC Jeevan Tarun: Survival/Maturity Benefit In Option 4, the insurance company will pay 15\% of Sum Assured every year after completion of 20 years of age (on the policy anniversary following the child turning 20 years) for 5 years. Remaining 25\% shall be paid at plan maturity.

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What is PWB rider in LIC?

Definition: A benefit wherein the future premium payments by the insured are waived off under certain conditions is called premium waiver benefit. The premium waiver rider is beneficial in the event of any unforeseen exigency resulting in a complete or substantial loss of income to the insured.

How good is Jeevan Tarun policy?

LIC Jeevan Tarun is an endowment plan by LIC of India which is aimed to secure children’s future for higher education and other needs. The plan offers flexibility with regards to payment disbursement options with different percentage of payouts. Overall, it is a good and well-designed child benefit endowment plan.

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Eligibility Details

Minimum Maximum
Policy Term 25 years – the entry age of the child
Sum Assured Rs.1 lakh No limit
Annual Premium Amount Rs.24, 000 No limit
Premium Payment Term 10 years, 7 years or (term – 5) years
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What is premium waiver benefit PWB rider?

Rider is an additional benefit along a life insurance policy. It cannot be taken completely on its own. The Waiver of Premium Rider entitles waiver of future premiums to be paid by the policy holder in case of the occurrence of the specified event like death of life insured, disability, dismemberment, etc.