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What is Quantum reactor?

What is Quantum reactor?

A quantum reactor was a main energy reactor powering systems that manipulated the fabric of time and space, such as a quantum drive, the primary propulsion system of faster-than-light spaceships. Quantum reactors were used in various contexts in the Planetary Union and by the Krill, the Alibar, and the Nazh.

What does it mean when a reactor is supercritical?

The water heated in the reactor core becomes a supercritical fluid above the critical temperature of 374 °C, transitioning from a fluid more resembling liquid water to a fluid more resembling saturated steam (which can be used in a steam turbine), without going through the distinct phase transition of boiling.

What is reactivity nuclear reactor?

nuclear reactors …in the nuclear industry is reactivity, which is a measure of the state of a reactor in relation to where it would be if it were in a critical state. Reactivity is positive when a reactor is supercritical, zero at criticality, and negative when the reactor is subcritical.

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What caused the initial leak and explosion within the nuclear reactor?

The hydrogen explosion in reactor 4 was caused by hydrogen coming out from the spent fuel pool. In that pool, there were (and are) used nuclear fuel rods that released and still release decay heat. As the water level dropped, the used fuel rods were exposed to the air and hydrogen was formed.

Can a nuclear reactor go supercritical?

When a reactor is starting up, the neutron population is increased slowly in a controlled manner, so that more neutrons are produced than are lost, and the nuclear reactor becomes supercritical. This allows the neutron population to increase and more power to be produced.

What is nuclear reactor theory?

Nuclear reactors are the heart of a nuclear power plant. They contain and control nuclear chain reactions that produce heat through a physical process called fission. That heat is used to make steam that spins a turbine to create electricity.