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What is recovery ROM?

What is recovery ROM?

Recovery is the mode that is used by device to install updates to Android ROM partition. It is also used while factory resetting the phone. The recovery that comes by default usually has less options and that is why custom recovery modules are available.

What is fastboot ROM and what is recovery ROM?

Fastboot rom is a complete rom of a device. On the other side, recovery roms are actually the updates we receive on the Updater app via OTA. To flash Recovery ROM, you just need to put the ROM file into your device’s SD card root directory and flash it in Recovery mode.

What is recovery ROM update?

Recovery ROM Installation Recovery ROMs come with a . zip file extension and can be installed through the Local Update method from within MIUI. You can also use a custom recovery for installing these ROMs, though do note that device-specific instructions may differ in that case. Transfer the download .

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Which is better fastboot or recovery ROM?

Recovery ROM is useful when you just want to update your MIUI version directly using the updater app. Fastboot ROM is useful for people who are stuck in a bootloop. In your situation, just download the recovery ROM because it is more convenient.

Does installing recovery rom wipe data?

it will not wipe the mobile data unless its different from what your current rom is. i.e if you try to install the rom without format/wipe-ing factory data and user data. it might display that installation failed due to incompatible data(it means the new android rom and apps that comes with it is not supporting them).

What is difference between recovery and fastboot?

Fastboot mode is basically used to unlock bootloader or install a custom recovery (also many other functions). Whereas recovery mode could be said as an alternative to fastboot, what recovery does is, it lets you install various updates for the system,mods,kernels,etc. It is accessed from the device itself.

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What is pit file in Odin?

PIT stands for Partition Information Table . A PIT file is basically a set of instructions defining the phone partition layout. You should use a it if you want to re-partition the phone with Odin.

What is NAND erase all in Odin?

Similarly, when you perform a NAND erase in Odin, you wipe all the partitions on your Samsung Galaxy device. In simple words, you’ll end up with a device without an operating system. A sheer piece of hardware is all you get as the boot, kernel, system recovery, data, EFS, etc. have already been wiped.

What is NAND erase in Odin?