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What is RentGrow beacon on my credit report?

What is RentGrow beacon on my credit report?

If RentGrow appears as an inquiry on your credit report, it is probably because: You applied for an apartment that uses RentGrow’s services around the date of the inquiry; Your lease was up for renewal around the date of the inquiry and you were rescreened by the property.

Where does RentGrow get their information?

Where Does RentGrow Get Their Information? RentGrow tenant screening reports may contain consumer information gathered from databases maintained by Experian, Experian RentBureau (rental payment history), TransUnion, Equifax, The Work Number (employment and income verifications), and more.

Who uses RentGrow?

Who Uses Rentgrow? RentGrow is used by property owners and managers for screening potential tenants. Part of the screening checks your credit — which means if you have poor credit, you might get turned down.

What is an adverse action letter from RentGrow?

If you have been told that your rental application was declined or that to qualify but must pay an additional security deposit or have a guarantor (each of these is called an “adverse action”), you are encouraged to request a copy of your current screening report so you can review it for accuracy.

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Is RentGrow a hard or soft inquiry?

RentGrow may be on your credit report as a hard inquiry. This usually happens when you submit an application (or act as a cosigner) for an apartment. RentGrow, Inc. is a provider of resident screening services for property management firms.

Are Yardi and RentGrow the same?

Consumer-facing screening activities will continue to be administered by RentGrow, which is (and has always been) a wholly owned subsidiary of Yardi Systems, Inc. However, RentGrow will no longer be doing business as Yardi Resident Screening. This means “RentGrow” will replace “RentGrow, Inc.

Is RentGrow accurate?

RentGrow is committed to accuracy and will investigate any information you dispute. Contact the consumer relations team at www.rentgrow.com or by phone at 800-898-1351. If you provide proof of your claim, we will promptly make appropriate adjustments.

What is not considered an adverse action?

A non-adverse action might also occur at point-of-sale transactions where an account transaction is denied in real time. Notably, the ECOA does not consider an adverse action to have occurred where an action or forbearance on an account is taken in connection with inactivity, default, or delinquency as to that account.

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How do I dispute RentGrow?

If you have any questions about the Applicant Dispute Form, about submitting your dispute, or believe you have the legal authority to submit a dispute on someone else’s behalf, please email us at [email protected] or call the RentGrow Consumer Relations team toll free at (800) 898-1351 Monday through Friday from …

What does Yardi resident screening look for?

Use resident screening for residential properties A screening can include gathering information on the applicant’s rental history, job history, credit history and references. It should also include a criminal background check. Yardi Breeze features an optional, built-in prospect screening service.

What does conditional approval mean for an apartment?

It basically means there is one or more conditions that are an issue and you are approved if you correct them. The conditions should be provided to you. If you have questions, contact the apartment leasing office and ask them what conditions need to be rectified.

Is raising rent an adverse action?

Adverse Action in Tenant Screening According to the FTC, other common examples of adverse action in housing include: Denying a rental application; Raising the rent to a higher amount than for another applicant.

How do I know if a credit inquiry was authorized?

There may be a number of ways you can determine if a credit inquiry on your report was authorized. Sometimes, it may be a case of mistaken identity. Occasionally, the name of the inquiry on your report may be different from the name of the entity pulling your report, says Ken Chaplin, senior vice president at TransUnion.

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What is a hard inquiry on your credit report?

Hard inquiries, which can be viewed by potential creditors, occur when banks, other lenders, and even landlords check your credit reports to approve you for credit, which can include credit cards, loans or leases.

How many credit inquiries should you have on your credit report?

Ideally, you should try to have at most three hard inquiries on your credit report at any given time. Not going above three inquiries in a rolling 24-month period gives you some flexibility when you need to unexpectedly apply for a new loan, credit card, or job.

How can I see my credit report?

Once your identity is verified, you can see your credit report. To check credit inquiries, scroll down to the “Hard Inquiries” section. All inquiries from the last two years will be on the report. Keep in mind that banks don’t always access your report from all three bureaus. It’s very likely that one report will show more inquiries than another.