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What is rich client platform in Eclipse?

What is rich client platform in Eclipse?

The Rich Client Platform (RCP) is an exciting new way to build Java applications that can compete with native applications on any platform. This tutorial is designed to get you started building RCP applications quickly. It has been updated for Eclipse 3.1.2. By Ed Burnette, SAS. July 28, 2004.

What is included in a rich client platform?

Rich client platform

  • A core (microkernel), lifecycle manager.
  • A standard bundling framework.
  • A portable widget toolkit.
  • File buffers, text handling, text editors.
  • A workbench (views, editors, perspectives, wizards)
  • Data binding.
  • Update manager.

What is org Eclipse platform?

Eclipse Platform defines the set of frameworks and common services that collectively make up infrastructure required to support the use of Eclipse as a component model, as a Rich Client Platform (RCP) and as a comprehensive tool integration platform.

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What is a rich client application?

An application in the user’s computer that retrieves data from the Internet. Written in a programming language such as C/C++ or Java, which has complete access to all the functions in the computer, the rich client program runs stand-alone without the need of a Web browser.

What is the difference between thin client and rich client?

With a thin-client program, a central server instead of your on-site computer holds all facility data. Rich-client programs use the same user-friendly design as other Microsoft products. They also eliminate sluggish speeds and continue to operate even when your Internet connection is down.

What is the difference between Eclipse and Eclipse RCP?

Eclipse-based applications which are not primarily used as software development tools are called Eclipse RCP applications. An Eclipse 4 RCP application typically uses the base components of the Eclipse platform and adds additional application specific components.

Is Eclipse a platform?

Java Platform, Standard Edition
Standard Widget Toolkitx86-64

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What does an Eclipse IDE allows?

What does an Eclipse IDE allows? Explanation: An Integrated Development Environment is a software application that provides comprehensive facility to computer programmer for software development. An IDE normally consists of a source code editor, build automation tools and a debugger.

What is rich client and thin client?

A rich client is a networked computer falling between a fat client and a thin client. Fat refers to a computer with many locally-stored programs/resources and little network resource dependence. Thin refers to a computer with few locally-stored programs/resources and great network resource dependence.

What is the difference between a thick client and thin client give an example for each with an explanation?

Thin clients are designed to connect remotely into a separate server or data center that does all the work in a virtual environment. Conversely, thick client PCs are full featured computers with all the standard hardware and locally installed operating system and applications.