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What is SDK in AdMob?

What is SDK in AdMob?

AdMob uses the Google Mobile Ads SDK which helps app developers gain insights about their users and maximize ad revenue. To do so, the default integration of the Mobile Ads SDK collects information such as device information.

How do I link my AdMob to AdSense?

Here’s how:

  1. Sign in to the AdSense account that you want to be your preferred AdSense account for AdMob.
  2. Click Account.
  3. Click Access and authorization, then click AdMob.
  4. Click Make this account preferred. Your current AdSense account is now your preferred AdSense account for AdMob.

How do I link my AdMob to Google ads?

To show ads on your own site:

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. Click Apply now.
  3. Complete the AdSense application form, then click Create account.
  4. On the AdSense home page, complete the steps to connect your site to AdSense, then click Done.
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How do I integrate mobile SDK?

For Android: Download the MDM application from the link. Start the MDM app and choose to scan for QR code….

  1. Open MDM App Catalog or ME MDM from your mobile phone.
  2. Select your app from “Yet to install”.
  3. Click Install. Once the app is installed, you can access it from your phone.

How do I control AdMob ads?

Sign in to your AdMob account at https://apps.admob.com.

  1. Click Blocking controls in the sidebar.
  2. Click the Ad content rating tab.
  3. Select the maximum ad content rating you want applied to your entire account. You should select the maximum ad content rating that’s suitable for your app users.

How do I add ads to Google mobile SDK?

Step 3: Add and initialize the Mobile Ads SDK

  1. Add the dependency for the Google Mobile Ads SDK to your app’s module (app-level) build.gradle file: implementation ‘com.google.android.gms:play-services-ads:20.5.0’
  2. Before loading ads, call the MobileAds. initialize() method.
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How do I integrate AdMob with my mobile app?

1 Sign into your AdMob account. 2 Create a new App by giving the package name of the app you want to integrate AdMob. 3 Select the newly created App and click on ADD AD UNIT button to create a new ad unit. 4 Select the ad format and give the ad unit a name. 5 Once the ad unit is created, you can notice the Ad unit ID on the dashboard.

How to integrate AdMob mobile ads SDK with Firebase?

Select the application, access the application settings and under Application Information you will see an option to link the application to Firebase. Add your AdMob Application ID to your AndroidManifest.xml file by adding the tag. 5. Add and initialize the Mobile Ads SDK.

How to create AdMob ad unit ID?

The below steps to create Ad Unit IDs might differ time to time. 1. Sign into your AdMob account. 2. Create a new App by giving the package name of the app you want to integrate AdMob. Once the App is created, you can find the APP ID on the dashboard which looks like ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXXX.

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How do I initialize mobileads SDK?

Initialize the Mobile Ads SDK Before loading ads, have your app initialize the Mobile Ads SDK by calling MobileAds.initialize () which initializes the SDK and calls back a completion listener once initialization is complete (or after a 30-second timeout). This needs to be done only once, ideally at app launch.