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What is SIC basis on tourism?

What is SIC basis on tourism?

The full form of SIC is Seat-In-Coach, but we often call it “SIC” for short. It means that you will share the seats in a coach with other tourists. In other words, in a SIC tour, you will get on a comfortable air-conditioned coach or van with other travelers who have the same destination as you.

What is sic and Pvt?

The Differences between Private Tours & SIC Tours In general, with private tours, you will have own services as true meaning of word “private”, while SIC tours require you to share services.

What is SIC FIT and GIT?

FIT and GIT are the terms used by the employees in the Tourism industry for the holiday packages. FIT stands for Free Independent Travelers and GIT stands for Group Inclusive Tour.

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How do you explain package tours?

Package tours are excursions or holidays which “package” a variety of services together to make a single “combined” trip. Commonly they combine such things as transport, accommodation and meals. They may also include the provision of a tour guide and/or leader. Tours can be long or short in duration and distance.

What is the full form of SIC?

SIC – Standard Industrial Classification.

What is a walking tour?

A walking tour is a tour of a historical or cultural site undertaken on foot, frequently in an urban setting. Short tours can last under an hour, while longer ones can take in multiple sites and last a full day or more. A walk can be led by a tour guide, as an escort.

What is a fit package?

FIT originally was short for “foreign independent travel,” or leisure trips abroad without an escort or fixed package structure. Today FIT more commonly refers to as “flexible independent travel” – the components of the itinerary may resemble a package, but the itinerary is custom-built for the traveler.

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What is another term for package tour?

A package tour, package vacation, or package holiday comprises transport and accommodation advertised and sold together by a vendor known as a tour operator.

What is sic business?

Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are four-digit numerical codes that categorize the industries that companies belong to based on their business activities. Standard Industrial Classification codes were mostly replaced by the six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).