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What is similar to kaltura?

What is similar to kaltura?

Competitors and Alternatives to Kaltura Video Platform

  • Vidyard.
  • Office 365 Video.
  • VBrick Rev Video Management Platform.
  • Panopto video content management system (VCMS)
  • Enterprise Video Platform.
  • Brightcove Video Marketing Suite.
  • Adobe Experience Manager.
  • Qumu Cloud.

What does kaltura cost?

Kaltura pricing Video hosting and streaming via Kaltura VPaaS is generally sold using a pay-as-you-go model. Bandwidth costs $0.17 per GB, storage costs $0.25 per GB, and transcoding costs $2.25 per GB. Live streaming costs a flat rate of $0.25 per minute streamed.

What is Mediaspace kaltura?

About Media Space Kaltura Media Space is a cloud-based, YouTube alternative solution where you can create, store, and share media content. You can access Media Space from these two sites: D2L: https://sru.desire2learn.com/d2l/home.

Is kaltura safe?

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Secure Video Delivery Kaltura offers a number of features to ensure your content is protected both in storage and during delivery: Encryption at rest. Streaming under HTTPS. Session control and tokenized expiring CDN URLs.

What is enterprise video content management?

Gartner defines enterprise video content management as follows: “Software, appliances or SaaS intended to manage and facilitate the delivery of one-to-any, on-demand or live video across internet protocols.” Products in this market were inspired by YouTube, as organizations sought a way to share video internally.

Do you have to pay for Kaltura?

Kaltura’s free, open-source, self-hosted version of the platform, supported by the Kaltura Community. The Community Edition is developed through the combined efforts of Kaltura and the community. The platform and its source code are available for free at www.kaltura.org.

How do I save Kaltura videos to my computer?

Download your existing Kaltura video

  1. Click the Downloads tab, check the Source box, and click Save. Downloading a Kaltura video.
  2. Underneath the player, go to the Download tab. Click the Download icon in the Actions column.
  3. The video will download to your computer in the same format as the original upload.
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How do you use Kaltura Uconn?

Recording Using Kaltura Capture

  1. Log into HuskyCT by navigating to lms.uconn.edu.
  2. Select Tools from the left-hand menu.
  3. Click on My-Media.
  4. Click on Add New in the top-right of your window.
  5. Select Kaltura Capture.
  6. If this is your first time using Kaltura Capture, you’ll be prompted to install it.

Where is kaltura based?

New York-
Kaltura is a New York-based software company founded in 2006.

Is kaltura a good company?

Kaltura experienced a solid run of success since its inception. A group of hard-working and smart people but unfortunately Kaltura’s leadership is fractured and not on a unified mission. Internal challenges plague them from being a bigger fish in a very competitive industry.