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What is slump in RMC?

What is slump in RMC?

The concrete slump test measures the consistency of fresh concrete before it sets. It is performed to check the workability of freshly made concrete, and therefore the ease with which concrete flows. It can also be used as an indicator of an improperly mixed batch.

What is the standard slump value?

Q: What is the ideal value of slump? In case of a dry sample, slump will be in the range of 25-50 mm that is 1-2 inches. But in case of a wet concrete, the slump may vary from 150-175 mm or say 6-7 inches.

What is Slump value for slab?

50 to 100 mm
Explanation: According to IS 456-2000, the slump value (in mm) of the concrete used in ordinary RCC work for beams and slabs, etc. is 50 to 100 mm. For concrete work, low workable concrete is preferred.

What is the best slump for concrete slab?

A good slump for most flatwork placed by hand: five inches. For slabs struck off with mechanical equipment: two to four inches.

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What is a good slump?

Slump is the measure of concrete consistency and fluidity. It shows the flow and overall workability of freshly mixed concrete. Simply put, the higher the slump, the wetter the mix. Four-inch (4”) slump is very common with normal weight concrete and is a good for pumping.

How do you find the slump value?

In case of a shear slump, the slump value is measured as the difference in height between the height of the mould and the average value of the subsidence.

What slump should I use?

It depends on the placement requirements. For thin sections with congested reinforcement,a high value of slump say between 100 to 125 mm will be required. For thicker sections with less or no reinforcement a slump of 25 to 40 mm will do. Slump will depend upon quantity of water added, if no plasticisers are used.

What is the slump of M20 grade concrete?

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between 100 and 160 mm
The slump value for M20 concrete is between 100 and 160 mm.