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What is Southern Oregon University known for?

What is Southern Oregon University known for?

SOU provides career-focused, comprehensive educational experiences to over 6,200 students. Along with an emphasis on student success and intellectual growth, SOU is committed to diversity, inclusion and sustainability. Theoretical and experiential learning programs provide quality, innovative experiences for students.

Why should I attend University of Oregon?

Well-known for its excellence, the University of Oregon offers professional programs such as journalism, education, law, performing arts, music, architecture, planning and public policy.

What is special about University of Oregon?

1. The University of Oregon is the only university that has a Disney character mascot – Donald Duck! 2. Phil Knight, co-founder of Nike, earned a journalism degree at UO in 1959. He later then co-founded Nike with his then track and field coach, Bill Bowerman, in 1978.

What kind of person should attend University of Oregon?

An open minded student who is willing to learn and explore new cultures and backgrounds. They should be open to trying new things and meeting all kinds of different people. The University of Oregon is essentially a melting pot of diverse people.

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What GPA is required for Southern Oregon University?

Applicants require above average high school grades to get into Southern Oregon University. The average high school GPA of the admitted freshman class at Southern Oregon University was 3.3 on the 4.0 scale indicating that primarily B+ students are accepted and ultimately attend.

What is the student life like at Southern Oregon University?

Student Life. Southern Oregon University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 5,256, with a gender distribution of 39 percent male students and 61 percent female students. At this school, 17 percent of the students live in college-owned, -operated or -affiliated housing and 83 percent of students live off campus.

What is the most popular major at Southern Oregon University?

The most popular majors at Southern Oregon University include: Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services; Visual and Performing Arts; Psychology; Education; and Social Sciences. The average freshman retention rate, an indicator of student satisfaction, is 71 percent.

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What is the average freshman retention rate at Southern Oregon University?

The average freshman retention rate, an indicator of student satisfaction, is 69\%. Southern Oregon University has a total undergraduate enrollment of 5,011, with a gender distribution of 40\% male students and 60\% female students.

Why do you want to attend the University of Oregon?

Lots of school pride If you have a lot of school spirit and want to be surrounded by like-minded students and town residents, then the University of Oregon is perfect for you. It is not rare at all to see students wearing green and yellow around campus, or going all out on game days to show their school pride.