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What is stronger black hole or neutron star?

What is stronger black hole or neutron star?

Here the answer is easy: The gravitational pull becomes infinite at the event horizon (from a certain point of view), Neutron stars have very strong, but not an infinitely strong pull so the gravitational pull of a black hole is greater than a neutron star.

Can a black hole turn into a neutron star?

The neutrons will never return once a black hole has formed and outgrown the neutron star. A black hole would exist within a neutron star until added mass increases the radius of the Event Horizon to engulf the neutron star matter.

What determines black hole or neutron star?

Originally Answered: What determines if a collapsed star turns into a black hole or a neutron star? Only one thing – the mass of the star. If the mass of the supernova remnant is below 2.16 times the mass of our Sun, it will collapse into a neutron star.

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Whats the difference between a black hole and a star?

A neutron star is the remnant of a star whose mass ranges from 1-3 solar masses. A black hole is the remnant in case the star mass is greater than 3 solar masses. A neutron star has a huge gravity which compresses it’s core atoms which forces the electron and proton to merge and form neutron.

What would happen if a black hole collided with a neutron star?

Relativity predicts that matter warps space (and time) and a collision between two compact objects like a black hole and a neutron star rapidly changes the compression and relaxation of the space in the vicinity of the objects. Waves of periodic compression and expansion are emitted.

Is a black hole just a big neutron star?

Black holes are astronomical objects that have such strong gravity, not even light can escape. Neutron stars are dead stars that are incredibly dense. Both objects are cosmological monsters, but black holes are considerably more massive than neutron stars.

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What is the heaviest metal in the universe?

Osmium and iridium are the densest metals in the world, but relative atomic mass is another way to measure “weight.” The heaviest metals in terms of relative atomic mass are plutonium and uranium.