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What is subcritical flow in open channel?

What is subcritical flow in open channel?

Such flow is called subcritical flow. It is relatively easy to handle through transitions because the wave actions are tranquil. In subcritical flow, the depth at any point is influenced by a downstream control, which may be either critical depth or the water surface elevation in a pond or larger downstream channel.

What is supercritical flow in fluid mechanics?

A supercritical flow is a flow whose velocity is larger than the wave velocity. The analogous condition in gas dynamics is supersonic.

Can laminar flow be supercritical?

These two lines partition the graph into four sectors: turbulent subcritical in the upper left (the most common in natural open-channel flows), turbulent supercritical in the upper right, laminar subcritical in the lower left, and laminar supercritical in the lower right.

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What is subcritical flow in hydraulics?

Subcritical occurs when the actual water depth is greater than critical depth. Subcritical flow is dominated by gravitational forces and behaves in a slow or stable way. Supercritical flow transitions to subcritical through a hydraulic jump which represents a high energy loss with erosive potential.

What is specific energy in open channel flow?

Specific energy is the total head with respect to the channel bottom. It is a summation of the velocity head and the depth of flow at a given cross section. Specific energy has proven to be very useful in the analysis of open channel flow and the concept is discussed in every open channel book.

When so SC and YC yn it is called as?

Explanation: When the slopes have a condition of So > 0 and Yn < Yc, it is called as steep slope.

What do you mean by supercritical subcritical critical Reynolds number?

supercritical states. This means that at these critical Reynolds. numbers both flow states are present and that a random. fluctuation in time and along the span of the cylinder between. the sub- and the supercritical state takes place.

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What is specific energy equation?

Specific Energy Equation Module 6. Energy at a particular point in the channel = Potential Energy + Kinetic Energy. where y is the depth of flow, v is the velocity, Q is the discharge, A is the cross- sectional flow area and E is the specific energy i.e energy w.r.t channel bottom.

Can subcritical flow be turbulent?

The bifurcated flow is very different from the basic state and already presents a high level of disorder. Up to know, it remains out of reach of most numerical studies as well as theoretical approaches. These transitons, often called subcritical transition to turbulence are our major focus here.

What is a specific energy curve?

In open channel flow, specific energy ( e ) is the energy length, or head, relative to the channel bottom. It is also the fundamental relationship used in the standard step method to calculate how the depth of a flow changes over a reach from the energy gained or lost due to the slope of the channel.