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What is the amplitude of the simple harmonic motion?

What is the amplitude of the simple harmonic motion?

The amplitude is simply the maximum displacement of the object from the equilibrium position. So, in other words, the same equation applies to the position of an object experiencing simple harmonic motion and one dimension of the position of an object experiencing uniform circular motion.

What is the amplitude at mean position?

amplitude, in physics, the maximum displacement or distance moved by a point on a vibrating body or wave measured from its equilibrium position. It is equal to one-half the length of the vibration path.

What is mean position in simple harmonic motion?

There will be a restoring force directed towards equilibrium position (or) mean position. In an oscillatory motion, the net force on the particle is zero at the mean position. The mean position is a stable equilibrium position.

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What is the amplitude of oscillation?

Amplitude is the magnitude of change in the oscillating variable with each oscillation within an oscillating system. For example, sound waves in air are oscillations in atmospheric pressure and their amplitudes are proportional to the change in pressure during one oscillation.

What is amplitude class 9?

Amplitude: It is a measure of the loudness or softness of the sound. The magnitude of the maximum disturbance in the medium on either side of the mean value is called Amplitude of the wave, represented by the letter A.

Which one of the following is a simple harmonic motion?

Earth spinning about its axis.

How do you find the amplitude of oscillation?

x(t) = A cos(ωt + φ). A is the amplitude of the oscillation, i.e. the maximum displacement of the object from equilibrium, either in the positive or negative x-direction.

What is meant by mean position?

A mean position is any position that is a moderate position between two other extreme positions. It is understood as a middle-of-the-road position or compromise between two extreme views. In order for a position to be a mean position, it only needs to be more moderate than two identifiable extremes.