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What is the applications of specific heat capacity?

What is the applications of specific heat capacity?

Uses of specific heat in daily life Substances having a small specific heat capacity, are very useful as material in cooking instruments such as frying pans, pots, kettles and so on, because, when small amount of heat is applied it will heat quickly. Water used in fire fighting.

Which phenomenon shows the application of specific heat capacity in everyday life?

Car radiator. Water is pumped through the channels in the engine block to absorb heat. Water is used as the cooling agent due to its high specific heat capacity. The hot water flows to the radiator and is cooled by the air flows through the fins of the radiator.

What is the application of heat?

Industrial Applications of Engineered Heat Transfer Fluids

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Industry Examples of Application
Petrochemicals Catalysis, distillation, synthesis
Oil and gas Gas processing, refineries
Converting Presses, rolls, laminating, printing
Asphalt and concrete Concrete heating, hot-mix paving

What are the four uses of heat energy?

Productive use of thermal energy involves a range of activities, such as cooking, drying, heating, smoking, baking, cooling and manufacturing.

Why is high specific heat capacity important to life?

The high specific heat of water means that it requires a large amount of heat to raise the temperature of water. This helps the temperature of the environment from becoming too hot or too cold. Also, humans are about 66\% water, thus this property of water helps us regulate our body temperature too.

What is the application of heat exchanger?

Table 1 – Industries and Applications of Heat Exchangers by Type

Type of Heat Exchanger Common Industries and Applications
Evaporators/Boilers Distillation and refinement processes Steam trains Refrigeration HVAC
Air Cooled/Fan Cooled Limited access to cooling water Chemical plants and refineries Engines Power plants

What is the application of heating effect of electric current?

APPLICATIONS OF THE HEATING EFFECT OF CURRENT Electrical Heating Appliances: The heating effect of current is utilised in the working of electrical heating appliances such as electric iron, electric kettle, electric toaster, electric oven, room heaters, water heaters (geysers), etc.

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What are the 3 uses of heat energy?

How does Waterʼs specific heat relate to its usefulness for life examples?

Explanation: The high specific heat of water means that it requires a large amount of heat to raise the temperature of water. This helps the temperature of the environment from becoming too hot or too cold. Also, humans are about 66\% water, thus this property of water helps us regulate our body temperature too.

How does specific heat maintain a livable environment on Earth?

How does specific heat maintain a livable environment on Earth? Water has a high specific heat, allowing for it to absorb a lot of heat before changing temperature and/or evaporating. The high specific heat of the water surrounding the earth allows it to moderate air temperatures. Ice is less dense than liquid water.

What is the application of specific heat capacity of water?

APPLICATION OF SPECIFIC HEAT CAPACITY. Water is a good example of a substance with a high specific heat capacity.Therefore, water acts as a heat reservoir as it can absorbs a great amount of heat before it boils. The temperature change of a substance with a high specific heat capacity is small when a large quantity of heat its apply to it.

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What are the advantages of having small specific heat capacity?

1. Substances having a small specific heat capacity can be quickly heated up, it also experience a big change in temperature even though only small amount of heat is supplied. 2. Substances having a small specific heat capacity, are very useful as material in cooking instruments such as frying pans, pots, kettles and so on, because,

Why do cooking utensils have a high specific heat capacity?

Its because a large amount of heat has to be rejected in such units and water (having almost 4 times specific heat capacity as compared to air) can store more heat and carry off the heat rejected effectively. Cooking utensils are made of metal which has low specific heat capacity so that it need less heat to raise up the temperature.

What is the specific heat capacity of steam?

Steam has a low specific heat capacity (0.47 calorie per gram per °C) than water (1 cal per gram per °C) and heats much more than water for the same time of heating.That’s why steam is used to carry a lot of heat energy at high pressures to run rail engines or rotors in AC generators.