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What is the area under the stress-strain curve equivalent to what does the area under the elastic portion of the stress-strain represent?

What is the area under the stress-strain curve equivalent to what does the area under the elastic portion of the stress-strain represent?

The material toughness can be expressed as the work W required to strain a bar to engineering strain ε. Thus, the area under the engineering stress-strain curve is a direct measure of the amount of work per unit volume of the material needed to effect a given engineering strain ε.

Is strain equal to deformation?

Deformation is a measure of how much an object is stretched, and strain is the ratio between the deformation and the original length. Think of strain as percent elongation – how much bigger (or smaller) is the object upon loading it. Just like stress, there are two types of strain that a structure can experience: 1.

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What is the area under a stress-strain curve?

The area under the stress-strain curve is called toughness. If the upper limit of integration up to the yield point is restricted, the energy absorbed per unit volume is known as the modulus of resilience.

Is stress proportional to deformation?

The stress is proportional to the strain, that is, obeys the general Hooke’s law, and the slope is Young’s modulus. In this region, the material undergoes only elastic deformation. The end of the stage is the initiation point of plastic deformation.

Is the total area under stress-strain curve in a tension test?

The total area under the stress-strain curve of a mild steel specimen tested up to failure under tension is a measure of its: a) Breaking strength. Toughness.

What is stress vs strain?

Stress is a measure of the force put on the object over the area. Strain is the change in length divided by the original length of the object.

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Why are stress and strain used instead of load and deformation?

Engineering stress and strain data is commonly used because it is easier to generate the data and the tensile properties are adequate for engineering calculations.

Under what conditions are stress and strain proportional?


  • An object or material is elastic if it comes back to its original shape and size when the stress vanishes. In elastic deformations with stress values lower than the proportionality limit, stress is proportional to strain.
  • An object or material has plastic behavior when stress is larger than the elastic limit.

Which of the following is found by calculating the area under the stress strain graph?

Explanation: Toughness is measured by calculating the area under the stress strain graph and is more for most ductile material than brittle material which has more toughness than ductile material.

Which mechanical property of the material is indicated by the total area under a stress-strain curve?

Solution: Toughness is the ability of material to absorb the energy upto fracture point, i.e. toughness of material is the total area under stress-strain curve.