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What is the benefit of NASSCOM?

What is the benefit of NASSCOM?

Still as per me the major benefits from being a NASSCOM members are: Brings Credibility and visibility of the company. Huge Networking opportunity with fellow members. Events and Bootcamps providing essential learnings to the member companies.

What is the use of NASSCOM certification?

Assessments & Certification SSC NASSCOM provides the drive for future growth of the industry by testing the ‘job ready’ skills of the candidates. It has developed a framework for measurable assessment of the outcomes of training received by an individual.

Is NSR mandatory for HCL Quora?

Yes, it is mandatory. Even if you haven’t done it, you will be intimated by the company to do so at the most. NSR registration is pretty simple if you are able to locate a point-of-service near you. It hardly takes 5 mins to completely register at NSR and all they take is your fingerprints and the application form.

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What happens if you are blacklisted in NASSCOM?

even in the event of them going to court they are unlikely to win . “blacklisted” will not hamper your career. unless there is a criminal case against you and get convicted there is nothing to worry.

Can a company blacklist you in NASSCOM?

Your question: Is it true that some IT companies may blacklist you in nascom nsr if you abscond. Answer: Yes they may blacklist you.

Who is chairman of Nasscom?

U. B. Pravin Rao

Is NSR mandatory?

There are a number of companies who insist on and prefer a professional who is registered on NSR. Thus, professionals must register if they have time and provide their biometric data. Although, NSR registration is not a mandatory requirement but it do has a lot advantages, as explained above.

Is NSR safe?

Each person can create only one profile on NSR thereby making identity secure and credible. Registered person can choose to authorise a NSR registered company to view his / her profile. This ensures data privacy as only companies authorised by registered person can use the profile.

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Can we change NSR details?

1) Modification of profile information: NSR provides you the access to view and update your profile. However, if any information of your profile is background checked and results of background checks are posted , that information cannot be edited by you. NSR profile will maintain both the old as well as new address.