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What is the best day of the year to hunt whitetail deer?

What is the best day of the year to hunt whitetail deer?

4: November 10 — The 2021 Overall Best Day of the Rut. This day marks the start of peak breeding across much of whitetail range and gets my nod as the best day of the 2021 rut, and the entire season for that matter.

What months are deer the most active?

What Time of Year Are Deer The Most Active. Big bucks will typically let their guards down and become more active during the rut. This is the deer breeding season that typically runs from the first week of October through the last part of January with the peak being in November.

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What time are most deer killed?

When is the best time to shoot a buck? Research shows, be in your stand before daybreak and stay there until around 1 p.m. Most deer are taken between 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. with a few larger kills stretching into the period around noon.

What attracts whitetail deer the best?

By far the most popular and widely used bait for attracting whitetails is corn. Not only is deer corn highly consumed and well received by whitetails in almost every habitat across the continent, but it’s also one of the cheapest options for hunters.

When should I start using Doe Estrus?

Doe Estrous—Not until you are within two weeks of the peak of the rut do you want to use the higher-dollar doe estrous scents. As soon as you notice bucks beginning to chase tail-wagging does and your trail cams pick up increased activity, you want to drape the area around your best stand with estrous scent.

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What moon phase Do deer move best?

Most hunters, however, put more stock in the moon’s position than any of its phases. “The hunters I talk to generally like a rising moon or setting moon that coincides with dawn and dusk,” Kenyon said. “If the moon rises during the final hour of daylight or sets late in the morning, they expect increased deer activity.

What temperature do deer move the most?

Cold Fronts Equal Activity Whether temperatures drop from 98 to 76 or 47 to 20, deer activity will rise dramatically. Bowhunting around cold fronts brings consistent success, especially during September and October.

Should I deer hunt in the rain?

Yes, rain does affect hunters. It may alter the times they are normally active, but deer still need to feed and will still go about their business as soon as the rain comes to a halt. Whitetail deer will always be active and on the move except if the weather is severe, such as there being a downpour and a lot of wind.

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Is it better to hunt morning or evening?

Hunting the gray light of dawn and dusk is often your best shot at success. Watch the wind to ensure you don’t blow your cover, and stay as silent as possible the nearer you get to your hunting site. Whether it’s by choice or circumstance, hunts during mornings or evenings often yield the best results.