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What is the best option for a missing front tooth?

What is the best option for a missing front tooth?

An implant crown is the best option to replace one missing tooth in either the front or back. An implant-supported bridge is an excellent choice to replace a span of several missing teeth — anywhere from three to 12.

What can you put in place of a missing tooth?

5 Options for Replacing a Missing Tooth

  • Dental implants. Dental implants are one of the most common methods of tooth replacement.
  • Implant-supported bridge. An implant-supported bridge is an ideal solution for multiple missing teeth in a row.
  • Tooth-supported bridge.
  • Removable partial dentures.
  • Flipper.

Will a missing teeth cause teeth to shift?

Missing teeth can lead to shifting of the teeth, which can drastically impact how your teeth come together when you bite. An improper bite (malocclusion) can lead to a variety of problems, including things like headaches, muscle pain, unnatural wearing of the teeth, tooth loss, sensitivity and even TMJD.

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What is the cheapest way to replace a missing front tooth?

Dentures. The most affordable tooth replacement solution is dentures. This is because they take the least amount of time to create. There is no surgery and no dental crowns to place.

Can you get a fake front tooth?

There are three possible options for replacing front teeth which are to use a flipper, to have a dental bridge, or to choose a long-lasting dental implant.

Can you get a false front tooth?

Usually a flipper tooth is used for a short period of time, such as when a person is waiting for a more permanent tooth replacement option like dental implants or a fixed bridge. They’re often used to replace front teeth.

What happens if you don’t replace a missing tooth?

Waiting too long to replace a missing tooth can eventually cause adjacent teeth to drift enough that problems such as crowding occur. Teeth growing into the gap of a missing tooth can make contact, which can cause uncomfortable pressure and create tight spaces between the teeth and gums.