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What is the best row to sit in a cinema?

What is the best row to sit in a cinema?

Instead of choosing the dead-center row, Vulture recommends sitting about two thirds of the way back. This is where audio engineers do the primary tests on a theater’s sound system, so the middle seat of this row ends up giving moviegoers the optimal sound experience.

Where is the best place to sit in the ambassadors Theatre?

Premium seats are in the front two rows of the Circle, but you can get an equally great view in the Stalls. Try to sit centrally between seats 6-12 in rows D-G.

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Why are cinema seats so uncomfortable?

The theory runs that many seats cause our pelvis to rotate, curving our spine into a hunched C-shape. In this position, the head is supported by muscles in the back.

Where did the wealthiest people sit in the theatre?

The most expensive seats would have been in the ‘Lord’s Rooms’. Admission to the indoor theatres started at 6 pence.

Is 4d better than IMAX?

4DX uses the 3D technology that the Multiplex Chain uses, which is generally RealD 3D. IMAX 3D is more immersive than RealD 3D, because it tends to let the 3D effects come out of the screen, while RealD 3D creates more depth behind the screen. But, IMAX 3D doesn’t come without its flaws.

Do movie Theatres have cameras?

For the most part, yes! There are security cameras in movie theaters that are either located on top of the screen, or in the booth behind viewers. The cameras are used to monitor the audience and make sure that illegal piracy is not occurring. But these apply to modern theaters.

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What is the best row to sit in a movie theater?

What’s the best row in a movie theater? The best row will be the center row and the four rows behind it (this places you about one-half to two-thirds back). Why these seats have a great picture:

Are movie theaters supposed to have back rows too far away?

Here is a sketch of the guideline: Again, movie theaters are supposed to follow this standard, but you can bet some theaters have back rows that are too far away. To get a “bigger than life” movie experience, this guideline implies it is best to move at least a few rows forward from the back row to get a decent horizontal viewing angle.

Why do people sit in the second row at the movies?

Sitting behind other people at the movies serves as a constant reminder that you’re in a theater, not at Rick’s Café Américain or Norma Desmond’s L.A. mansion. Note: The second row can be perfectly fine if it’s a reasonably empty theater, and it eases up the neck-craning issue in theaters whose front rows are unreasonably close to the screen.

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How far from the screen is the center seat in movies?

The documents I found say that movie cinemas are often calibrated for the center seat in the row that is 2/3 of the distance from the screen to the back of the theater. (The best I could find to corroborate this is this engineering document from JBL ).