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What is the best thing about rain?

What is the best thing about rain?

The fresh water rain provides is essential to the survival of every living organism, from plants to animals to humans. Fresh water sources are depleted by the natural process of evaporation, and rainy days replace that lost water. Plus, it’s just so pretty when it rains!

Why should you love rain?

10 Reasons Why We Love The Rain

  • Puddles. Rain (just the right amount) can turn the great outdoors into a giant playground.
  • Good Books and Films. Any rainy day is the perfect excuse to make the most of the great indoors.
  • No Rain.
  • Walks, Wellies and Waterproofs.
  • The Smell.
  • Raindrop Races.
  • Bright Umbrellas.
  • It’s Romantic.

Why is rain beautiful?

Explanation: The poet says that the rain is beautiful because it comes in the hot summer and settles the dust in the air and cools the heat.

What do you like doing when it rains?

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Ten fun rainy day activities to enjoy with your children

  • Go on a rainy day walk. Put those rain boots to good use and head out for a walk in the rain.
  • Measure the rain.
  • Make rain art.
  • Sing in the rain.
  • Go ahead and get wet.
  • Play in the mud.
  • Stay inside and make a fort.
  • Read about rain.

How can I enjoy rain?

  1. Run to Your Terrace and Welcome the Rain.
  2. Go to the Lawn or Backyard and Dance Madly in Rain.
  3. Open the Window or Visit Your Balcony.
  4. Enjoy a Long Drive with Your Beloved One When it’s Drizzling Around.
  5. Walk the Road in Rain with Umbrella and Rubber Boots.
  6. Sail Your Tiny Boats in Rain Water.
  7. Just Feel the Raindrops.

How do you describe rain?

Words used to describe rain or snow – thesaurus

  • driving snow/rain. phrase. snow or rain that falls very fast.
  • gentle. adjective. gentle wind or rain is not strong or unpleasant.
  • in buckets. phrase. if it rains in buckets, it rains very hard.
  • misty. adjective.
  • snowbound. adjective.
  • snowy. adjective.
  • snowy. adjective.
  • soft. adjective.

Why is rain relaxing?

It’s like the rain is saying: “Don’t worry, relax, don’t worry, relax.” According to studies when rain sounds enter our brain, our brain unconsciously relaxes and generates alpha waves, resulting in a state similar to sleep. The sound of rain helps us relax and we feel comfortable.

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What is the beauty of rain?

In fact, the first falling drops can signify the beginning of something even more beautiful – here are seven great reasons why rain is actually a beneficial, positive force. 1. Rain makes things grow. Nature, nurture, and water go hand in hand.

How does rain make you feel?

For example, sunny weather makes you very excited and feel good. However, when the sky starts to get cloudy and it rains, the mood becomes more gloomy, sad, and sad. During the rain, you are suddenly lethargic, think sad thoughts, daydream, and don’t want to do anything other than stay at home.

What is the best thing you love about the rains?

Rainy season….aahhh..the best thing I love about rains is sitting beside the glass windows and watching the raindrops race against each other and selecting two of my favorites as competitors and wishing my exclusive droplet to win the race and finally combine with others and be lost among so many of them. As a kid I loved doing this.

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Can you see the good in rainy days?

If you can see the good in rainy days, congratulations! If not, here are a few things that might change your mind. 1. Rainy days = solitude. Because so many people associate rainy days with such negativity, the trails aren’t usually crowded. All of those places that you love so much but hate sharing with big crowds can suddenly be all yours!

Why do we love rainy days so much?

Rainy days are a win-win in the office — employers get high quality work with a shorter turnaround time, and employees get work done more quickly so we can head out earlier to engage in our favorite rainy day activities. 4. Crime Rates Drop On Rainy Days.

How to make rainy day activities fun for kids?

One of the most important things that you need to make rainy day activities fun for kids is proper rain gear. Rain boots (try THESE or THESE) and a good rain jacket or a rain jacket and rain pants are necessary to keep smiles big on a rainy day.