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What is the best treatment for ethylene glycol toxicity?

What is the best treatment for ethylene glycol toxicity?

Fomepizole, an alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme (ADH) antagonist, is the preferred therapy for ethylene glycol poisoning.

How much ethylene glycol is fatal to humans?

Reports of fatalities following ingestion of ethylene glycol indicate that a volume of 150–1,500 mL consumed at one time may cause death. In humans, the lethal dose of ethylene glycol is estimated to be in the range of 1,400–1,600 mg/kg.

How fast does ethylene glycol kill you?

For ethylene glycol: Death may occur within the first 24 hours. If the patient survives, there may be little or no urine output for several weeks before the kidneys recover. Kidney damage may be permanent. Any brain damage that occurs also may be permanent.

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What happens if you get a little coolant in your mouth?

The Bottom Line It is dangerous to swallow antifreeze, even small amounts. For several hours after swallowing, everything seems fine. But don’t be fooled – the body is busy breaking down the antifreeze (ethylene glycol) into a number of substances that affect blood chemistry, the nervous system, and kidneys.

What are the 3 stages to ethylene glycol poisoning?

The clinical presentation of ethylene glycol poisoning is described as three sequential phases, which are neurological, cardiopulmonary, and renal phases. Neurological symptoms, which can occur in as little as thirty minutes after ingestion, are similar to those seen in early ethanol intoxication.

How do you tell if you’ve been poisoned by antifreeze?

Symptoms of antifreeze poisoning may not appear immediately after a person ingests it, as it takes time for the body to metabolize the chemicals….People in the second stage of antifreeze poisoning may experience:

  1. an irregular heartbeat.
  2. shallow breathing.
  3. changes in blood pressure.
  4. dehydration.
  5. fatigue.
  6. confusion.