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What is the best way to prevent RSI?

What is the best way to prevent RSI?

How to prevent RSI

  1. maintaining good posture at work – see how to sit at a desk correctly.
  2. taking regular breaks from long or repetitive tasks – it’s better to take smaller, more frequent breaks than one long lunch break.
  3. trying breathing exercises if you’re stressed.

How can I prevent RSI in my hands?

To prevent RSI, keep wrists straight and flat when typing. Sit with thighs level, feet flat on floor (or on footrest), sit up straight, shoulders relaxed, upper arms at sides, not splayed out, forearms horizontal or tilted slightly downwards, so knees and elbows are at a right angle.

How can I prevent RSI in my wrist?

10 Simple RSI Prevention Tips

  1. Type using a Neutral Wrist Position. When you type, your wrists should be in a neutral position.
  2. Adjust (or replace) the Keyboard.
  3. Watch Out For That Mouse!
  4. Take Regular Breaks.
  5. Sit Up Straight!
  6. Take It Easy After the Holiday.
  7. Eat Your Veggies and Get Some Exercise!
  8. Now Take A Seat…
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How do you prevent carpal tunnel syndrome?

Keep wrists neutral: When typing, your wrists should not be bent outward toward your pinky nor inward toward your thumb. Keep your wrists straight. 4 Don’t rest your wrists: When typing, your hands should float above the keyboard, allowing your fingers to find the right keys by moving your whole arm.

How can I fix carpal tunnel naturally?

Here are nine home remedies for carpal tunnel relief:

  1. Take breaks from repetitive tasks.
  2. Wear splints on your wrists.
  3. Lighten up.
  4. Mind your flexion.
  5. Stay warm.
  6. Stretch it out.
  7. Elevate your hands and wrists whenever possible.
  8. Try over-the-counter (OTC) medications.

Can I reverse RSI?

RSI Stage 1 (mild). Pain, aching and tiredness of the wrists, arms, shoulders, neck or legs during work, which improves overnight. This stage may last weeks or months, but is reversible.