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What is the biggest advantage of using fiber optic cable over copper wire in a network?

What is the biggest advantage of using fiber optic cable over copper wire in a network?

Bandwidth. Fiber optic cable can carry far more data all at once than copper—in the area of 100 Gbps compared to 10 Gbps—making it the better choice for high-demand networks using a lot of streaming, online conferencing, large file sharing or downloads, and cloud services.

What are the disadvantages of fiber optics over copper as a transmission medium?

Low power—Light emitting sources are limited to low power. Although high power emitters are available to improve power supply, it would add extra cost. Fragility—Optical fiber is rather fragile and more vulnerable to damage compared to copper wires.

What are the pros and cons of using copper?

Copper Wire – Pros and Cons

  • CONDUCTIVITY. Copper is one of the most conductive materials of electricity available.
  • HEAT RESISTANCE. Another key benefit of copper wire is it’s resistance to heat.
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Is copper ethernet cabling really cheaper than fiber?

The big argument that copper proponents have clung to for years is that installing copper Ethernet cabling was much less expensive than running a new fiber optic installation. At one time, the price of copper cable was as much as 50\% lower than that of fiber. The situation has changed, as the cost of fiber has come down drastically in recent years.

What are the advantages of fiber optic cable over copper?

For example, copper will experience a great deal of degradation in quality over a distance of two kilometers, using fiber optic cable over the same distance can provide extremely reliable data transmission.

What are the disadvantages of copper ethernet cables?

One of the inherent disadvantages to copper Ethernet cables is that they experience signal loss over long distances. The effective limit of a copper run is about 300 feet; distances longer than that require either signal boosters or a series of equipment closets with backbone cabling.

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Why is co-copper used for cables?

Copper has been used for cables to transmit power and data for a very long time. This is because, historically, it is one of the lowest loss transmission mediums and is able to transmit over long distances reliably.