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What is the city planet in Star Wars?

What is the city planet in Star Wars?

As the hub of galactic activity, Coruscant was a well-known ecumenopolis. An ecumenopolis was a city encompassing an entire planet or moon.

Do Star Wars planets have cities?

Some planets in Star Wars are entirely city… Coruscant is the most obvious example. Most of the planets we see in the Clone Wars are barely glimpsed by us. It seems that way because the story usually centres around a key city, rather than multiple, but Tattooine has Anchorhead and Mos Eisley.

What is the closest planet to Earth in Star Wars?

Coruscant (/ˈkɒrəsɑːnt/) is an ecumenopolis planet in the fictional Star Wars universe.

Is Coruscant a city or planet?

Coruscant, which is the city-planet capital of the Star Wars Galactic Empire, supposedly has a population of around three trillion.

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Are there Canon planets in the Star Wars universe?

The fictional universe of the Star Wars franchise features multiple planets and moons. While only the feature films and selected other works are considered canon to the franchise since the 2012 acquisition of Lucasfilm by The Walt Disney Company, some canon planets were first named or explored in works…

What are the 8 planets in the Star Wars universe?

Meet 8 ‘Star Wars’ Planets in Our Own Galaxy 1 Coruscant. 2 Bespin. 3 Mustafar. 4 Hoth. 5 Tatooine. 6 Kamino. 7 Endor. 8 Alderaan.

Which planets are similar to the Star Wars planet Tatooine?

Kepler-452b, a rocky super-Earth-type planet, is said to be similar to the Star Wars planet Coruscant. Likewise, the planets Kepler-16b and Kepler-453b , planets discovered orbitting binary stars probably resemble the desert world Tatooine .

Are there any other planets like Mustafar in Star Wars?

The planet Mustafar, scene of an epic duel between Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker in “Revenge of the Sith,” has a number of exoplanet counterparts. These molten, lava-covered worlds, such as Kepler-10b and Kepler-78b, are rocky planets in Earth’s size range whose surfaces could well be perpetual infernos.