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What is the current DC Multiverse?

What is the current DC Multiverse?

The current Multiverse is home to an infinite number of universes, including those of previous incarnations of the Multiverse, with the core 52 worlds of the “local Multiverse” being: Prime Earth aka Earth 0 aka New Earth: Home of the main DC Universe. It is parallel to Earth 33.

What is DC main universe?

(Warner Bros.) The DC Universe (DCU) is the fictional shared universe where most stories in American comic book titles published by DC Comics take place.

How many universes are there in DC?

It was one of the most ambitious moves in the history of comic books and saw DC split up into 52 separate universes. There’s a reason DC Comics has had so many different Crisis events over the years— the DC multiverse is pretty confusing.

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How does the DC multiverse work?

The Multiverse, within DC Comics publications, is a “cosmic construct” collecting many of the fictional universes in which the published stories take place. The worlds in this multiverse share a space and fate in common, and its structure has changed several times in the history of DC Comics.

Did Barry Allen create the multiverse?

Last Tuesday, CW aired its second season premiere of The Flash, starring Grant Gustin as the titular DC Comics hero Barry Allen, a forensics scientist who becomes the fastest man alive. Many will tell you that DC Comics first introduced the idea of a multiverse in 1961 in Flash #123, but this isn’t true.

Is Prime earth the New 52?

Prime Earth is the Earth of New 52. It new has some New Earth elements, the result of Rebirth. At this time, the correct appellation for Earth is probably still Prime Earth, since the rest of the New 52 multiverse is largely unaffected by Rebirth.

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What Earth is Marvel Zombies?

Plot. Within the Marvel Multiverse is an alternate Earth designated Earth-2149, which contains alternate zombie versions of Marvel superheroes.