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What is the definition of hoots?

What is the definition of hoots?

1 : to shout or laugh usually derisively. 2 : to make the natural throat noise of an owl or a similar cry. 3 : to make a loud clamorous mechanical sound.

What is the meaning of give two hoots?

informal. : to care at all about someone or something —used in negative statements I don’t give a hoot about what they say. I don’t give two hoots about his problems.

What are hoots in war?

‘Deaf to the hoots’ further shows how handicapped they are from war; they even lose their senses. ‘Hoots’ shows that the shells are useless and they became gentle like owls, this might be because they are used to the sound of shells. Now, it is like background noise for them.

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Where does the expression two hoots come from?

It might refer specifically to the hoot of an owl but some examples suggest it’s more general than that, most likely harking back to two senses known in the seventeenth century: either a loud cry or a shout of disapproval (as in hoots of derision).

Why do soldiers say tango?

In the NATO phonetic alphabet, established by the 1930s, the letter T is tango and became slang for target, or “enemy.” To down a target is “to shoot” them, especially when grounding an aircraft, but also “to neutralize” or “kill” them. Tango down thus means the enemy has been defeated.

What does figs end mean?

noun A thing of small value; a trifle.

Where did the expression even Steven come from?

: : EVEN STEVEN — The term apparently stems from a character in Jonathan Swift’s “Journal to Stella” : “‘Now we are even,’ quote Steven, when he gave his wife six blows to one. ‘ Stella was Swift’s name for Esther Johnson, and his ‘Journal’ letters to her described his daily life in London.

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Can a child go to Hooters?

Kids have several options to choose from on the Hooters Kids Meal menu, including boneless and traditional wings, chicken strips, grilled cheese and sliders, all served with one side item and a beverage. All children must be accompanied by an adult – limit one free Kids Meal per adult who spends $10 or more.

Why do soldiers say Booyah?

Hooyah is the battle cry used in the United States Navy and the United States Coast Guard to build morale and signify verbal acknowledgment. It originated with special forces communities, especially the Navy SEALs, and was subsequently adopted by other Navy divisions.

Why do soldiers yell grenade?

Yelling, “grenade” is reserved for alerting the rest of your unit that an explodey-boy has landed in your position — and anyone near you should get the f— out of the way.