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What is the difference between a mercury thermometer and a digital thermometer?

What is the difference between a mercury thermometer and a digital thermometer?

Mercury thermometers readings are slower to realize because we have to wait for the mercury to heat and then slowly rise to display the temperature whereas digital thermometers are designed using advanced technology that enables them to provide instant results on the spot, which means no more waiting for crawling hot …

What is advantage of resistance thermometer over ordinary mercury thermometer?

Advantages. Resistance-temperature relationship is well characterized. Cost of an IPRT is less than an SPRT. Can be used with a digital temperature read-out device.

What is a resistance thermometer used for?

Resistance thermometers are a type of sensor used to measure temperature. They are also known by a number of different names including Resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), Platinum resistance thermometers (PRTs) or Pt100 sensors.

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Which method is more accurate for resistance temperature thermometer?

The platinum resistance thermometer—in which the principle of measurement is the variation in the resistance of a platinum wire as a function of temperature—is generally accepted as the most accurate temperature measuring instrument available.

Are mercury thermometers more accurate?

But mercury thermometers also have real advantages over the alternatives. They’re often cheaper and more accurate, especially at higher temperatures. And unlike one common alternative, electronic thermometers, they’re self-contained (no wires sticking out) and require no power.

Do mercury thermometers lose accuracy?

Mercury thermometers cannot be adjusted after calibration. The actual temperature must be calculated by applying corrections to the measured temperature. A digital thermometer does the math for you—the displayed temperature accurately represents the actual measured temperature.

What is the disadvantage of mercury thermometer?

Disadvantages. It is highly toxic for living beings and the environment if the bulb breaks and mercury leaks out. Mercury is difficult to clean, and it can contaminate the surface on which it leaked. It cannot measure cold temperatures.

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What are advantages and disadvantages of mercury thermometer?

A thermometer comparison

advantages disadvantages
Mercury thermometer
cheap display is harder to read
durable does not work below -39 C (Hg freezing pount)
accurate cannot be used for thermograph

Does a thermometer have mercury?

The oldest thermometers used are mercury in glass. Newer thermometers include non-mercury liquids in glass and digital and electronic devices that use sensors to measure temperature. Thermometers that check body temperature in the ear, across the forehead, or have a digital display do not contain mercury.

What is the maximum temperature that can be measured by the mercury thermometer?

Physical properties. Mercury thermometers cover a wide temperature range from −37 to 356 °C (−35 to 673 °F); the instrument’s upper temperature range may be extended through the introduction of an inert gas such as nitrogen.

How long do you leave a mercury thermometer in your mouth?

After shaking the mercury down, place the thermometer under the child’s tongue, with the bulb toward the back of the mouth. Tell your child to keep the lips firmly closed, but not to bite the thermometer. 3. Leave the thermometer in place for 3 minutes.