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What is the difference between a request for quotation and a request for proposal?

What is the difference between a request for quotation and a request for proposal?

While an RFQ is a request for quote, an RFP is a request for proposal. An RFP is sent when it’s more complicated and you want to evaluate many factors besides price before making a decision. While an RFP gives more detailed information on the service itself, an RFQ mainly answers how much it costs.

What is the difference between quotation and proposal?

Customers expect quotes to be exact amounts in which they can expect to pay. On the contrary, proposals are submitted as part of the competition to win business from customers. Think of proposals as the tryout, and quotes as the offer letter.

What is the difference between RFP and ITB?

While an ITB is very similar to an RFP (request for proposal), it is concerned with the pricing more so than the conceptual ideas of the project. Similar to all other types of bids, an invitation to bid is generally awarded to the contractor who submits the lowest bid.

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What is the difference between quotation and request for quotation?

A request for quotation (RFQ) is used as a sourcing event to gather pricing offers from suppliers. A request for proposal (RFP) is used as a sourcing event to gather details about the items (including both goods and/or services) that can be offered by suppliers.

What is RFQ RFP RFI process?

When a buying organization disseminates a Request for Information (RFI), they are seeking general information about prospective suppliers’ capabilities and services/goods. The next phase in the procurement process, involves either a Request for Quotation (RFQ), or a Request for Proposal (RFP).

What is the difference between offer and proposal?

The term ‘offer’ is derived from the Latin word ‘offerre’ which means ‘present’ or ‘provide’. A proposal is an expression of will or intention to do or not to do something with a view to get something. The word ‘proposal of the Indian Contract Act, is used in the same sense as the word ‘offer’ is used in English Law.

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What are the differences between offer and quotation?


Sr.No Offer Quotation
1 An offer is inclusive of all the aspects mentioned below − It includes the price details and discounts related to products.
2 Name of the goods. Terms and conditions are not necessarily included.
3 Quality. Concentrates mainly on prices.
4 Quantity. Not legally binding.

What is RFQ and RFT?

Request for Tender (RFT) is an opportunity for potential suppliers to submit an offer to supply goods or services against a detailed tender. Request for Quote (RFQ) is commonly used when you know what you want but need information on how vendors would meet your requirements and/or how much it will cost.

What is request for proposal and bids in the context of BPO?

A request for proposal (RFP) is an open request for bids to complete a new project proposed by the company or other organization that issues it. It is meant to open up competition and to encourage a variety of alternative proposals that might be considered by the project’s planners.