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What is the difference between intelligent and diligent?

What is the difference between intelligent and diligent?

As adjectives the difference between intelligent and diligent. is that intelligent is of high or especially quick cognitive capacity, bright while diligent is performing with intense concentration, focus, responsible regard.

Which is more important diligence or intelligence?

Diligence comes from the word diligent, which, according to the Oxford International Dictionary of English, means hardworking,and showing care plus effort. The phrase ‘more important’, on the other hand, means having a greater effect on the consequence while intelligence means possessing a highly developed intellect.

What is diligence Quora?

Diligence: n. doing something frequently quietly and relatively constantly and carefully and energetically and persistently and frequently doing it in detail and/or exactness.

Why diligence is important for success?

The habit of being persistent and making hard-working effort in your work or duties may be a painful activity, but, undergoing a significant change it brings you impressive achievements eventually. Not only does it cause you to achieve your goals but it also makes a favorable impression on others.

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How can one become diligent?

Being Diligent in Life. Focus your energy on your goal. Sticking to the plan can help you put your energy into achieving your goals. Remind yourself of your goals and why you’re focusing on the task at hand.

How do I become more diligent?

How to Be More Diligent

  1. Remind yourself that you’ll feel better about yourself, you’ll accomplish more, and sometimes get credit, even praise.
  2. Ask yourself whether it’s important enough to withstand diligence’s strictures to make yourself usually do what you “should” do.

How do you stay diligent?

How does being diligent make a person more successful in life?

Diligence, by its very definition, is the application of focused and persistent effort to complete a task. A diligent person has an extra edge – they put in more dedicated hours towards realizing their goal, and that becomes the deciding factor for their extraordinary success in life.

How would you describe a diligent person?

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: characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort : painstaking a diligent worker.