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What is the difference between lambda and Beanstalk?

What is the difference between lambda and Beanstalk?

Both are great choices, but they serve different purposes. Lambda is simpler and less expensive, while Elastic Beanstalk lets you run full applications and gives you control over their environment. Understanding each one’s strengths will let you make an informed choice between these AWS services.

What is the role of AWS Lambda and how it can be beneficial?

AWS Lambda is a computing service which allows you to run your code with no need for server management. That includes automatic scaling and provision of capacity, maintaining the server and operating system, as well as logging and code monitoring.

What is the difference between AWS Elastic Beanstalk and AWS Lambda?

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You can use AWS Lambda to extend other AWS services with custom logic, or create your own back-end services that operate at AWS scale, performance, and security. AWS Elastic Beanstalk can be classified as a tool in the “Platform as a Service” category, while AWS Lambda is grouped under “Serverless / Task Processing”.

What are the applications of awaws Lambda?

AWS lambda can be triggered directly from other AWS services such as S3 buckets, AWS Kinesis , AWS Dynamo DB, Cloud watch and so on. Few data processing applications include, With the help of Lambda we can build serverless backend systems. You have created an application, which is hosted in AWS platform.

What is Elastic Beanstalk and why should I use it?

An application platform such as Elastic Beanstalk is necessary for running a service which listens on an Internet port, such as a Web application. The code on Lambda may do the bulk of the work, but it can’t run the application itself. If customization of the application’s environment is necessary, Elastic Beanstalk offers a lot of value.

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Why AWS Lambda is the best choice for event processing?

This was quite tiring or boring task earlier and quite expensive too. So, the use of a robust compute service like AWS Lambda is quite justified here. This is compatible with Node JS, Python, Java etc so you can upload files in zip format too and define the event source finally.