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What is the difference between life-time migrant and migrant by last residence?

What is the difference between life-time migrant and migrant by last residence?

If the place of birth of a person is different from the place of enumeration, the person is known as lifetime migrant. If the place of last residence is different from the place of enumeration he is known as migrant by place of last residence.

What is migrant last residence?

A person would be considered a migrant by place of last residence, if she/he had last resided at a place other than her/his place of enumeration. The Census also captures the reasons for migration.

What is a life-time migrant?

A life-time migrant is one whose place of birth is different from the place of enumeration of the census. Whereas a migrant by last residence is one whose last resident is different from the place of enumeration of census. PREVIOUS NEXT. Answer the followNCERT – India-People And Economy.

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What is place of last residence?

Place of Last Residence is the Village/Town where the person was last residing before she/he migrated to the Village/Town.

What do you mean by migration Class 12?

Answer: Migration is the movement of people across different states and regions. When people migrate within the boundaries of the country, it is called internal migration. International migration refers to the migration of people between countries.

What does last residence mean?

Country of Last Residence is the country in which an individual last permanently resided.

What is internal migration and international migration?

Internal migration. This refers to a change of residence within national boundaries, such as between states, provinces, cities, or municipalities. An internal migrant is someone who moves to a different administrative territory. An international migrant is someone who moves to a different country.

What is in migration and out migration?

In-migration is the process of people moving into a new area in their country to live there permanently. Out-migration is the process of people moving out of an area in their country to move to another area in their country permanently.

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What are types of migration?

1. Build background about human migration and types of migration.

  • internal migration: moving within a state, country, or continent.
  • external migration: moving to a different state, country, or continent.
  • emigration: leaving one country to move to another.
  • immigration: moving into a new country.

What is Migration Can you identify some of the pattern of migration found in India discuss?

Distance wise there are 4 categories migration pattern exists in India such as: Intra-district, Inter- district, Interstate and International.

Which state of India has maximum migrants?

and out-migration in each state, Maharashtra stands at the top of the list with 2.3 million net migrants, followed by Delhi (1.7 million), Gujarat (0.68 million) and Haryana (0.67 million) as per 2001 Census.