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What is the difference between Manges and mange in French?

What is the difference between Manges and mange in French?

“Manges” is used with “tu” (tu manges), “mange” is used with “je” and “il/elle”. It’s like how we say “I run” but “he runS” in English, only the “s” isn’t pronounced in French.

Is Manges masculine or feminine in French?

Mange is for je, and manges is for tu.

How do you conjugate manger in French present tense?

Conjugate the verb manger:

  1. je mange. tu manges.
  2. il mangeait. nous avons mangé
  3. vous mangerez.
  4. ils mangeraient.

What is the difference of mange and Manges?

“Je mange.”= “I eat.” “Tu manges.” = “you eat.” “Il/Elle mange.” = “He/She eats.” It’s simply a matter of the rules for conjugation of -er verbs, and specifically the verb “manger” (infinitive form) meaning “to eat” in French.

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Is Mange an irregular verb?

Manger is a regular French -er verb, but it is also a spelling-change verb. This means that it takes all the regular -er endings, but a small spelling change is made to the stem for consistency of pronunciation….Conjugations of Manger.

(tu) mange
(nous) mangeons
(vous) mangez

What is the infinitive form of manger?

This means that it takes all the regular -er endings, but a small spelling change is made to the stem for consistency of pronunciation. The stem: the infinitive manger minus the -er ending, which leaves the stem mang-….Conjugations of Manger.

Passé composé
Auxiliary verb avoir
Past participle mangé

What is manger in the perfect tense?

The manger conjugation tables below show how to form the French verb manger according to tense and person. To listen to the pronunciation of a given tense of manger, click on the loudspeaker icon at the bottom of the table….Perfect subjunctive.

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j’ aie mangé
tu aies mangé
il/elle ait mangé
nous ayons mangé
vous ayez mangé

What Mange means in English?

English Language Learners Definition of mange : a skin disease of animals (such as cats and dogs) and sometimes people that causes itching and loss of hair. See the full definition for mange in the English Language Learners Dictionary. mange. noun. \ ˈmānj \