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What is the difference between RMO and RME?

What is the difference between RMO and RME?

The difference is the individual’s title. RMO stands for Responsible Managing Officer, so the person would need to be an Officer of the corporation. If the person is not an Officer, they would be an RME, which stands for Responsible Managing Employee.

What is an RMO in contracting?

A Responsible Managing Officer (“RMO”) under California law is an individual who is a bona fide employee of the applicant for a contractor’s license, and is actively engaged in the classification of work for which that responsible managing employee is the qualifying person on behalf of the applicant. California …

How much is an RMO?

Initial Costs: $530 is the CSLB Application and Initial License Fee.

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How do you become an RMO?

In order to qualify to become an RMO, you must first go through the process of becoming a licensed contractor and then promote yourself as a qualifying officer.

Is RMO agency legit?

The site indicates that the RMO Agency does business in Arizona, Nevada and California. Hill has filed a civil lawsuit against the RMO Agency and others alleging elder abuse, unfair business practices and fraud.

What is a responsible managing employee?

A Responsible Managing Employee (RME) or Responsible Managing Officer (RMO) is an individual who proved their experience to the Board for the sake of the company they are qualifying. As qualified individuals, they do not own the licenses they are qualifying.

What is responsible managing employee?

What does RMO stand for?


Acronym Definition
RMO Regional Medical Officer
RMO Records Management Office
RMO Rocky Mountain Orthodontics (Denver, CO)
RMO Registered Medical Officer (UK)

How do I get my RMO license in Georgia?

To get a Georgia Contractor License, you must pass a two-part exam covering the license you are attempting to obtain; one in business and one in law. Applicants must also submit a license application and secure a Georgia Contractor Bond .

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What is a qualifier for a contractor?

A qualifier is an entity that represents the work of a business. In the construction industry, this simply means a licensed contractor that can perform work in a state under the “umbrella” of your business. This is necessary because only individuals can acquire a contractor’s license.

What is an RME in California?

What happens if your RMO dies?

Failure to replace the RMO or RME within the time period allowed by law will result in the suspension of the license or removal of the classification from the license. To replace the RMO or RME of an existing class, submit an Application for Replacing the Qualifying Individual.