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What is the difference between RMS value and average value of an alternating quantity?

What is the difference between RMS value and average value of an alternating quantity?

RMS stands for Root-Mean-Square of instantaneous current values. The RMS value of alternating current is given by direct current which flows through a resistance. The RMS value of AC is greater than the average value. The RMS value of sine current wave can be determined by the area covered in half-cycle.

What is the difference between mean and RMS?

In RMS, the average, expressed as an arithmetic mean is used. Average is used to get the central tendency of a given data set while RMS is used when random variables given in the data are negative and positive such as sinusoids.

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What is the average value of AC?

Hint: Mean value of an alternating current is the total charge flown for one complete cycle divided by the time taken to complete the cycle i.e. time period T. The value of an alternating current changes with time. Also, its direction changes after every half cycle. Hence, for a full cycle, the average value is zero.

What is difference between peak value and average value?

The average value of a sine wave of voltage or current is 0.637 times the peak value, (Vp or Ip. This mathematical relationship between the average values applies to both AC current and AC voltage. Both values can be used to represent the “Form Factor” of a sinusoidal alternating waveform.

How do you define the average value of an AC waveform?

Definition: The average of all the instantaneous values of an alternating voltage and currents over one complete cycle is called Average Value. If we consider symmetrical waves like sinusoidal current or voltage waveform, the positive half cycle will be exactly equal to the negative half cycle.

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Why do we use rms value instead of average value?

Attempts to find an average value of AC would directly provide you the answer zero… Hence, RMS values are used. They help to find the effective value of AC (voltage or current). This RMS is a mathematical quantity (used in many math fields) used to compare both alternating and direct currents (or voltage).