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What is the difference between RTI and PIL?

What is the difference between RTI and PIL?

RTI is Right to Information, which enables all citizens of India to get information from Public Authority. *On the other hand, PILis Public Interest Litigation, which enables citizens to approach directly the Honorable Supreme Court/High Court to get resolution of issues, which affects public.

What is RTI and RTE?


What is Pil RTI?

RTI is meant to get information including certified copies of documents from some public office. PIL is public interest litigation. Its a case filed against somebody/govt. in the general interest of the common man.

What is full form of RTI and RTE and which year they were introduced?

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Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009

The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009
Enacted by Parliament of India
Assented to 26 August 2009
Commenced 1 April 2010
Related legislation

In which court PIL is filed?

the Supreme Court of India
According to the Constitution of India, the petition can be filed under Article 226 before a High Court or under Article 32 before the Supreme Court of India.

What is the rules of RTE?

It is obligatory for the Government to provide free and compulsory elementary education to each and every child, in a neighbourhood school within 1 km, up to class 8 in India. No child is liable to pay fees or any other charges that may prevent him or her from pursuing and completing elementary education.

What does RTE Act 2009 say?

The Right to Education Act 2009 prohibits all kinds of physical punishment and mental harassment, discrimination based on gender, caste, class and religion, screening procedures for admission of children capitation fee, private tuition centres, and functioning of unrecognised schools.

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How many RTI applications are filed each year?

Every year, around six million applications are filed under the RTI Act, making it the most extensively used sunshine legislation globally. These applications seek information on a range of issues, from holding the government accountable for the delivery of basic rights and entitlements to questioning the highest offices of the country.

What is the impact of the RTI Amendment Bill 2013?

The RTI amendment Bill 2013 removes political parties from the ambit of the definition of public authorities and hence from the purview of the RTI Act. The draft provision 2017 which provides for closure of case in case of death of applicant can lead to more attacks on the lives of whistleblowers.

What is the right to Information (RTI) for UPSC?

The Right to Information is an important topic in polity and governance for the UPSC exam. In this article, you can read about RTI UPSC. Article 19 (1) of the Indian Constitution specifies that the Right to Information (RTI) is a part of the fundamental rights. It says that every citizen has freedom of speech and expression.