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What is the difference between SQL and Transact-SQL?

What is the difference between SQL and Transact-SQL?

SQL is data oriented language which is mainly used to process and analyse the data using simple queries like insert,update and delete. TSQL is transactional language which is mainly used to create the applications as well as will use to add business logic in to application from back-end systems.

What is Transact-SQL with example?

User-defined functions are another example of T-SQL statements. User-defined functions take input parameters, perform an action and return the results to the call. Another example is a trigger, which is a stored T-SQL script that runs when a statement other than SELECT is issued against a table or view.

Is Transact-SQL the same as MySQL?

T-SQL means only SQL server? T-SQL works, as Gordon said, in Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase. It does not work in MySQL; that rdbms uses a different SQL dialect. If your instruction says “create a database using T-SQL”, that means you must use Microsoft SQL Server or maybe Sybase.

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What is the Transact-SQL concept is used?

Transact-SQL (T-SQL) is an extension to SQL developed by Microsoft and Sybase. Transact-SQL is the programming language for the commands used to administer SQL Server, create and manage objects in a physical or virtual instance of SQL Server, as well as to insert, retrieve, modify and delete data in SQL Server tables.

Is TSQL same as SQL Server?

T-SQL, which stands for Transact-SQL and is sometimes referred to as TSQL, is an extension of the SQL language used primarily within Microsoft SQL Server. All applications that communicate with SQL Server, regardless of the application’s user interface, do so by sending T-SQL statements to the server.

Is TSQL difficult?

TSQL is easy. WAY TOO EASY. Developers look at it, learn the syntax and, as far as they’re concerned, they’re done.

What is difference between PL SQL and T-SQL?

PL SQL basically stands for “Procedural Language extensions to SQL.” This is the extension of Structured Query Language (SQL) that is used in Oracle….Difference Between T-SQL and PL-SQL.

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It is easy and simple to understand. PL-SQL is complex to understand.

Is Tsql same as SQL Server?