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What is the difference between the Industrial Revolution and the Scientific Revolution?

What is the difference between the Industrial Revolution and the Scientific Revolution?

Industrial Revolution People migrated from rural areas to cities to work and changed the distribution of population and the way people lived. The Scientific Revolution of the late Renaissance was significant in establishing a base for many modern sciences as well as challenging the power of the Church.

What is the connection between the Scientific Revolution and the Industrial Revolution?

Medieval European, Muslim, Chinese and Indian scholars created the conditions for the Scientific Revolution by illuminating many ideas. Similarly, the Scientific Revolution lit a path that—centuries later, with the help of a lot of steam and coal power, money, and labor—led to the Industrial Revolution.

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How was the Scientific Revolution different?

The main difference between Scientific Revolution and enlightenment is that Scientific Revolution is based on scientific discoveries in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and astronomy, whereas Enlightenment is an intellectual and philosophical movement built on the idea that reason is the main …

How did the Scientific Revolution contribute to the development of the Industrial Revolution?

How did the Scientific Revolution contribute to the Industrial revolution? The scientific approach, scientific method to conduct controlled experiments, helped inventors to make new inventions to improve life. Where did most people live prior to the Industrial Revolution? What was the enclosure movement?

How did the focus of scientists during the Industrial Revolution differ from the inquiry done by scientists during the scientific revolution?

Between the Scientific Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, there was a dramatic shift in the way scientific inquiry was done. The goals of scientific inquiry became more focused on how the science could be used or applied. What effect did the Industrial Revolution have on where people lived in Europe and America?

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How did the Scientific Revolution transform science and technology?

Roots of the Scientific Revolution. The scientific revolution, which emphasized systematic experimentation as the most valid research method, resulted in developments in mathematics, physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry. These developments transformed the views of society about nature.

What is a major relationship between the Scientific Revolution and the Industrial Revolution apex?

The scientific revolution led to new ways of thinking about the world, which led to the inventions that made the Industrial Revolution possible.

How was the scientific revolution different from the Renaissance?

The emphasis of the Scientific Renaissance was on the recovery of scientific knowledge, whereas the focus of the Scientific Revolution was on scientific discovery.

How is the scientific revolution similar to the Enlightenment?

The Enlightenment was similar to the Scientific Revolution because many educated Europeans used observation and logic of the Scientific Revolution. What made it different was that they applied it to human life. He observed the struggle and aftermath of the conflict between the Parliament and Monarchy.

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Why is the scientific revolution important?

The scientific revolution laid the foundations for the Age of Enlightenment, which centered on reason as the primary source of authority and legitimacy, and emphasized the importance of the scientific method.

What is the difference between the scientific revolution and the Industrial Revolution there was a dramatic shift in the way scientific inquiry was done?