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What is the difference between the prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex?

What is the difference between the prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal cortex?

The orbitofrontal cortex is the area of the prefrontal cortex that sits just above the orbits (also known as the eye sockets). It is thus found at the very front of the brain, and has extensive connections with sensory areas as well as limbic system structures involved in emotion and memory.

Is OFC and vmPFC the same?

Neuronal activity in both OFC and VMPFC is closely related to the perceived value of task events. OFC neurons emphasize value information arising from visual stimuli, whereas VMPFC neurons emphasize value information arising from intrinsic knowledge or satiety levels.

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What is the function of the orbitofrontal cortex?

The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is a prefrontal cortex region in the frontal lobes of the brain which is involved in the cognitive process of decision-making.

What is function of ventromedial prefrontal cortex?

Situated in the medial portion of the prefrontal cortex, the highly interconnected vmPFC serves as a region for binding together the large-scale networks that subserve emotional processing, decision-making, memory, self-perception, and social cognition in general.

What is the role of the orbitofrontal cortex in memory for temporal context?

Lesion and neuroimaging studies suggest that the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) supports temporal aspects of episodic memory. Imaging results revealed that OFC contributed to encoding and retrieval of associations between objects and their temporal but not their spatial contexts.

What is Vmpc?

Volunteer Management Professionals of Canada (VMPC) was founded in 1980 and is the champion in the field of Volunteer Management. Dedicated to advocacy, capacity building and networking, it connects and empowers a network of professionals and passionately elevates the quality of volunteerism in Canada.

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What is the role of ventromedial prefrontal cortex and hippocampus?

In particular, we will focus on two brain regions, the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) and the hippocampus (HPC), that appear to play crucial roles in memory encoding, consolidation and retrieval processes as well as in value-based decision making.

How does the orbitofrontal cortex contribute to decision making?

Taken together, the OFC seems to code for the relative reward value (or subjective expected utility) of choice options in simple decision-making situations and to provide biasing affective signals in sophisticated decision-making situations.

What is the ventromedial nucleus?

The ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) is a complex brain structure that is integral to many neuroendocrine functions, including glucose regulation, thermogenesis, and appetitive, social, and sexual behaviors.

Is the core function of orbitofrontal cortex to signal values or make predictions?

One dominant hypothesis about the function of the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is that the OFC signals the subjective values of possible outcomes to other brain areas for learning and decision making. From this perspective, value signaling is simply one derivative of the core underlying function of OFC.

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What can damage the orbitofrontal cortex?

Humans suffering damage to the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) are often described as impulsive. The most famous example is Phineas Gage, a railway worker, who in 1848 suffered extreme frontal lobe damage when a long iron rod was projected through his skull after an accidental explosion.