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What is the difference between the present and the future?

What is the difference between the present and the future?

The present tense is used to describe things that are happening right now, or things that are continuous. The future tense describes things that have yet to happen (e.g., later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three years from now).

What is the difference between the present and the past?

The simple difference between the present and past tense is that the present tense refers to what is happening now, whereas a past tense refers to what happened in the past.

What is the difference between present continuous and going to?

‘Going to’ modifies other verbs to make them future tense. When talking about future events, a present continuous emphasizes the events while ‘going to’ is more about the decision to make those evens happen.

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Will is present or future?

Will is used for the future, but also for the present The “present tenses” (such as the present simple and present progressive) are also used when talking about the present or future (more on this below). The term ‘future tenses’ is used because these forms are often used when talking about the future.

What is the difference between present tense and present perfect tense?

The present is used about something going on when you speak, Present perfect is used about something already finished, but that still has a special imprtance when you speak.

IS will present tense?

Will is used for the future, but also for the present Many people consider will to be the present form (its past form is would), and like all present forms, it can be used to talk about the present or future. The term ‘future tenses’ is used because these forms are often used when talking about the future.

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Will future going to or present progressive?

Future: present continuous to talk about the future (I’m working tomorrow) We don’t use the present continuous when we predict something. Instead, we use going to or will: It’s going to rain again soon.

Is go present tense?

go moving or leaving. Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense goes , present participle going , past tense went , past participle gone In most cases the past participle of go is gone, but occasionally you use ‘been’: see been.

Is could present tense?

Could is used as the pasttense of “can”. Could is used to is used to request something in the present tense. Usually when could is used in the present tense, it is used to ask a question.

What is difference between past tense and present perfect tense?

The present perfect tense says that an action was completed at a time before the present, and the results or consequences of the action are relevant now. The past perfect tense says that an action was completed at a time before another action happened in the past.