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What is the disadvantages of CPU?

What is the disadvantages of CPU?

The main disadvantage is that it’s in memory, and memory is slower than CPU registers in a variety of ways. It usually has longer latency and lower bandwidth. Memory accesses are harder to speed up. This plays out in many ways.

What are the advantages of computer architecture?

Knowing what’s inside and how it works will help you design, develop, and implement applications better, faster, cheaper, more efficient, and easier to use because you will be able to make informed decisions instead of guestimating and assuming.

What are the different types of processor architectures what type of architecture is used for DSP processor?

DSPs are usually optimized for streaming data and use special memory architectures that are able to fetch multiple data or instructions at the same time, such as the Harvard architecture or Modified von Neumann architecture, which use separate program and data memories (sometimes even concurrent access on multiple data …

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What are the different hazards in computer architecture?

Three common types of hazards are data hazards, structural hazards, and control hazards (branching hazards).

What are the types of processor architecture that utilizes complex and variable instruction set is?

CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) and RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) are two forms of CPU design. CISC uses a large set of complex machine language instructions, while RISC uses a reduced set of simpler instructions.

What is CPU and advantages?

Advantages of Central Processing Unit CPU is the heart and brain of the computer and it is the primary unit in the computer. It is small in size and fits well into its slot in motherboard. It facilitates design of small computers such as mobile phone, Tab and embedded computers etc.

What are the important key features of the DSP that are different from microprocessor architecture?

The main difference between a DSP and a microprocessor is that a DSP processor has features designed to support high-performance, repetitive, numerically intensive tasks. DSP processors are designed specifically to perform large numbers of complex arithmetic calculations and as quickly as possible.