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What is the effect of butter fat concentration on the specific gravity of milk?

What is the effect of butter fat concentration on the specific gravity of milk?

Specific gravity of water is one. Hence, addition of water to milk tends to decrease the specific gravity of milk. Fat content reduces the specific gravity since fat is the lighter portion.

What is the specific gravity of milk fat?

The specific gravity of fat is 0.93, solids-non-fat, 1.6 and water 1.0 kg/litre. If the milk is mixed with air, by pumping for example, the specific gravity will be lower. The specific gravity of the milk collected by a tanker is usually between 1.015 and 1.020 kg/litre.

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What is used to increase the specific gravity of milk?

The correct answer is Lactometer. Lactometer is an instrument for determining the specific gravity of milk.

What are the factors affecting specific gravity?

Specific gravity varies with temperature and pressure; reference and sample must be compared at the same temperature and pressure or be corrected to a standard reference temperature and pressure. Substances with a specific gravity of 1 are neutrally buoyant in water.

Is milk affected by gravity?

Why isn’t milk affected by gravity? It turns out that they consist of particles in the nanometer up to micrometer range, with milk particles being 0.2 to 4 microns, average 0.4 microns. The two main materials involved are butterfat (maybe 4\%), and casein proteins in structures called micelles.

Why is specific gravity important in milk?

The specific gravity of milk bears a relationship to butterfat and total solids, so it has been used as an aid to detecting gross abnormalities from the average composition. Given that the density of any substance varies with temperature, it is important to specify temperature when showing the results.

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Why specific gravity of milk is important?

Which portion of milk contains less percentage of fat during milking?

Milk obtained at the morning milking is much lower in fat (e.g. 3 percent) than at the afternoon milking (e.g. 5 percent). This is not because fat secretion is reduced in the longer night interval but because there is a net carryover of residual milk rich in fat from the night to the day interval.

How is milk fat reduced?

The quicker, modernized way of making low-fat and skim milks is to place the whole milk into a machine called a centrifugal separator, which spins some or all of the fat globules out of the milk.

What is the role of fat in milk?

The major functions of fats are to provide high energy to neonates in the early period of development, and essential fatty acid components in proportions varying in milk from different mammalian species in relation to their metabolic features aims to respond to species’ requirements. …