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What is the electric force between an electron and a proton that are separated by a distance of?

What is the electric force between an electron and a proton that are separated by a distance of?

Compare the electrostatic force between an electron and proton separated by 0.530 × 10−10 m with the gravitational force between them. This distance is their average separation in a hydrogen atom.

What is the separation at which force between a proton and an electron will be 1/10 3?

Proton and electron is separated by 0.5 A°.

How do the forces acting on the electron and proton compare?

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IF YOU PLACE A FREE ELECTRON AND A FREE PROTON IN THE SAME ELECTRIC FIELD, HOW WILL THE FORCES ACTING ON THEM COMPARE? The forces are equal in magnitude, opposite in direction. The charges on a proton and electron are equal and opposite.

When two charged particles like a proton and an electron get closer together what happens to the force between them?

That is, a proton and an electron will attract each other. The closer they are together, the stronger this attraction will be. Two protons (or two electrons) will repel each other. And again, the closer together they are, the stronger the repulsion.

What is the magnitude of the electric force between an electron and a proton in a hydrogen atom?

The electric force is sufficient to keep the electron in “orbit” around the proton in the hydrogen atom. At 39 orders of magnitude smaller, the gravitational force might as well be zero. Gravity does not do anything to keep a hydrogen atom together….solution.

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FE = 160 N 1.3 × 10−34 N
Fg 1036 or 36 orders of magnitude

What is the gravitational force between a proton and electron?

The mass of an electron is 9.10938188 × 10-31 kg; the mass of a proton, 1.67262158 × 10-27 kg. The gravitational attraction then is 1.0167349 × 10-49 N, according to the law of gravitation.

How does the force exerted by a proton on a proton compare with the force exerted by a proton on an electron at the same distance?

According to the Newton’s third law, the force exerted by the proton on the electron is the same as that on the proton by the electron. Since proton is a much heavier particle, the acceleration of the proton due to the force shall be lesser than that of the electron.

What force does the proton exert on the electron?

The electric force between two electrons is the same as the electric force between two protons when they are placed as the same distance….22.1. Introduction.

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particle-particle Fg (N) Fc (N)
electron – proton -1.0 x 10-47 – 2.3 x 10-8
electron – neutron -1.0 x 10-47 0
proton – proton – 1.9 x 10-44 2.3 x 10-8

What happens when two protons get closer together?

When two Protons fuse together, one of them decays into a Neutron. Our new nucleus now has one Proton and one Neutron. It is still Hydrogen, because there is still the same number of Protons, but it is a different type, or isotope, of Hydrogen.

What is the electrostatic force between and electron and a proton separated by 0.1 mm quizlet?

What is the electrostatic force between and electron and a proton separated by 0.1 mm? 2.3 × 10^-20 N, attractive. Suppose a negative point charge is placed at x=0 and an electron is placed at some point P on the positive x-axis.