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What is the eligibility criteria for Canada PR?

What is the eligibility criteria for Canada PR?

You must be between 21 to 55 years. Your education should be a Canadian high school credential or equivalent. You should have language ability in English or French on the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB). Your profile must be registered in the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada’s Express Entry system.

What does eligibility passed mean?

It said “Eligibility Passed”. in the letter, it said ” It has been determined that you meet the eligibility requirements to apply for permanent. residence as a member of the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class.”

How do I prove eligibility to work in Canada?

You can show a potential employer you’re allowed to work by giving them a copy of all of the following documents:

  1. Proof that you completed your program(s) of study, such as.
  2. A copy of your study permit.
  3. A copy of the acknowledgement of receipt from your post-graduation work permit (PGWP) application, if you applied online.
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How do I show proof of money for SINP?

Proof of funds must:

  1. be official letters, official statements, or certificates from one or more financial institutions.
  2. have been maintained at least 3 months prior to sending your application and maintained throughout the entire immigration process.
  3. be in the name of the principal applicant and/or spouse only.

How long does eligibility check take?

Most security checks are done within 1 month; longer up to 1 to 2 years if in enhanced screening. If it has been more than 2 months since Eligibility Review was “Passed” and security has not yet concluded, then the application may be in enhanced screening.

Does implied status count towards PR?

Is work experience gained on implied status eligible for a PR application? YES! As long as the worker was legally authorized to work in Canada, even if their application for work permit extension was refused, any work accrued up until the day of the refusal counts toward their PR application eligibility.