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What is the equation of amplitude modulation?

What is the equation of amplitude modulation?

The amplitude modulated current is given by i=125[1+0. 6sin 2900t]sin(5. 50×105t). The rms value of carrier current will be.

How does the message signal amplitude affect the carrier signal?

In AM, the voltage or power level of the information signal changes the amplitude of the carrier in proportion (see Fig. 7.7). With no modulation, the AM carrier is transmitted by itself. When the modulating information signal (a sine wave) is applied, the carrier amplitude rises and falls in accordance.

What is the relationship between the message amplitude and the amount of the carrier modulation?

You probably noticed that the size of the message signal and the modulation of the carrier are proportional. That is, as the message’s amplitude goes up, the amount of the carrier’s modulation goes up. including calculating the distribution of the signal’s power between the carrier and sidebands.

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What is carrier amplitude?

Amplitude modulation (AM) is a modulation technique used in electronic communication, most commonly for transmitting messages with a radio wave. In amplitude modulation, the amplitude (signal strength) of the carrier wave is varied in proportion to that of the message signal, such as an audio signal.

Why carrier is used to transmit the information signal?

The purpose of the carrier is usually either to transmit the information through space as an electromagnetic wave (as in radio communication), or to allow several carriers at different frequencies to share a common physical transmission medium by frequency division multiplexing (as in a cable television system).

What happens when amplitude of modulating signal is higher than carrier signal?

When the amplitude of the modulating signal is greater than the amplitude of the carrier, distortion will occur.

What does modulation do to a message and carrier?

This process of imposing an input signal onto a carrier wave is called modulation. In other words, modulation changes the shape of a carrier wave to somehow encode the speech or data information that we were interested in carrying. Modulation is like hiding a code inside the carrier wave.