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What is the extra deck used for in Yu-Gi-Oh?

What is the extra deck used for in Yu-Gi-Oh?

The Extra Deck can contain Xyz Monsters, Synchro Monsters and Fusion Monsters, in any combination. These cards are not counted towards the 40-card minimum limit \ of your Main Deck. This is a separate Deck of cards you can use to change your Deck during a Match.

What is the side deck in Yu-Gi-Oh?

A Side Deck (Japanese: サイドデッキ Saido Dekki) is a Deck of up to 15 cards, separate from the Main Deck and Extra Deck. The Side Deck is used in Matches between Duels, to alter the contents of the Main Deck and/or Extra Deck. A side Deck is not required, but can assist in duels against specific opponents.

How many cards are in a Yu-Gi-Oh deck in the anime?

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The Main Deck must be constructed using only card product provided at the event. The Main Deck can have a minimum of 20 cards. (Monsters, Spells, & Traps) There is maximum of 30 Cards. A Duelist may include 1 to 3 copies of any card they like.

What is the strongest card in the Yu-Gi-Oh card game?

Anyone who has ever had even the slightest interest in the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise has likely heard of the legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragon. It is the strongest regular Normal Monster in the game and an icon known as a bringer of destruction.

What is side deck?

A sideboard, side deck, or side is a set of cards in a collectible card game that are separate from a player’s primary deck. It is used to customize a match strategy against an opponent by enabling a player to change the composition of the playing deck.

How do I summon my extra deck?

You can Synchro Summon them from the Extra Deck by sending 1 face-up “Tuner” monster and any number of face-up non-Tuner monsters from your side of the field to the Graveyard. Make sure the sum of all their Levels are exactly equal to the Level of the Synchro Monster!

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Can your extra deck have different sleeves?

So the worst official rule in yugioh is that your side deck extra deck monsters need to have the same sleeves as your main deck cards and when you side these extra deck cards they need to be changed into your extra deck sleeves.

Can you side extra deck cards?

You are allowed to side cards for your extra deck as well but keep in mind your main deck still needs to have a minimum of 40 cards in it at all times so you can’t side in an extra deck card without taking one out of your extra deck.

What is an extra deck?

The Extra Deck (Japanese: エクストラデッキ Ekusutora Dekki; usually abbreviated EX エクストラ デッキ since Code of the Duelist), formerly known as the Fusion Deck ( 融 ゆう 合 ごう デッキ Yūgō Dekki), is a Deck where Fusion, Synchro, Xyz, and Link Monsters (as well as Pendulum Monsters that would otherwise have been sent from the field to the …

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Why Yu-Gi-Oh has a 60 card limit?

If you ever wondered why 60 cards is the upper limit for YuGiOh! decks it’s because someone once entered a tournament with a 2222 card deck with the intent of wasting as much time as possible by shuffling it frequently.