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What is the GPA for third class in Nigeria?

What is the GPA for third class in Nigeria?

CGPA ranges under the new four (4)- point grading scale for classification of degrees: 3.5- 4.00 – first class honours; 3.0-3.49 – second class honours (upper division); 2.0-2.99 – second class honours (lower division); 1.0-1.99 – third class honours.

Can a third class do Masters in Nigeria?

Practically, no Nigerian university can accept a 3rd class for a master’s degree. You can only do a Postgraduate Diploma, get a good result and then do your masters degree in any Nigerian university of your choice.

Can a 3rd class graduate do Masters?

Yes, in many cases it’s possible to apply for a Masters with a 2.2 degree, although this is often at the discretion of the university (and department). It’s also possible for apply for a Masters with a third class degree, although it’s likely that most universities won’t be overly impressed.

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What is the grade for third class?

Most Common

Grade Scale Grade Description
BC 60.00 – 69.99
C 50.00 – 59.99 Second Class Honours, Lower (3)
CD 50.00 – 59.99
D 45.00 – 49.99 Third Class (2)

Can I get into Canadian university with low grades?

A bad CGPA: Any GPA that is below second class upper honor is considered poor for Masters but that doesn’t mean you can not apply for Masters. But in very sure terms, graduates/applicants that have lower CGPA do not have to panic at all as they can still do build up their academic profile and still get admitted.

Can I get a job with a 3rd class degree?

Just because you’ve got a Third class degree, doesn’t mean you can’t get a fantastic graduate job. You need to offer employers the full package and show you can hit the ground running. Employers know despite your degree grade, you can still be a first class employee.

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Can I become a teacher with a 3rd class degree?

While it is theoretically it is possible to get onto a teacher training course with a third class degree, only third class degree holders in Maths and Physics, with a B or A or A* grade in maths or physics (or equivalent), will be eligible to receive a training bursary from the Department for Education.