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What is the hardest ACDC song to play?

What is the hardest ACDC song to play?

‘Shake a Leg’ ‘Back in Black’s oft-forgotten classic, ‘Shake a Leg,’ is quite simply one of the toughest, meanest, outright devastating tunes AC/DC ever recorded.

What is the heaviest ACDC song?

Let There Be Rock
AC/DC, ‘Let There Be Rock’ (1977) This is AC/DC’s heaviest record, AC/DC’s densest record, AC/DC’s most energetic record.

Are ACDC songs hard?

Some music critics consider AC/DC one of the defining bands of ’70s hard rock music. Although AC/DC uses simple chords and scales to create their unique bluesy-rock sound, don’t let it fool you. Some of their songs are quite hard that will require some advanced techniques.

Is Thunderstruck difficult?

Thunderstruck is not easy to play, that’s for sure. However, with regular practice, you can master it without problems. If you’re a beginner, don’t try to play it. One must to be at least intermediate guitar player to be able to even begin learning that legendary Thunderstruck riff.

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Is the Thunderstruck Solo hard?

Hardest guitar part of “Thunderstruck” is actually the solo. Even that one isn’t super hard, and its fairly stock blues based riffing, but tempo is fast, and it will be a challenge to anyone without some lead playing experience.

Does ACDC use power chords?

Power chords are key to the AC/DC sound. Particularly the most common power chords, the ‘root and fifth’ kind. These are famous for their heavy, low-end sound and their being technically neither major nor minor. This means that they provide a more driving, dynamic element to a song than an emotional one.

Why is Thunderstruck so hard?

Usually it’s the thickness, grip, or material out of which they are made. Make sure you don’t use a pick that’s too thin. Thunderstruck has its characteristic pick attack on strings you can hear. That strong attack can’t be made with too thin and too soft guitar pick.

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Is ACDC soft rock?

AC/DC are an Australian rock band formed in Sydney in 1973 by Scottish-born brothers Malcolm and Angus Young. Their music has been variously described as hard rock, blues rock, and heavy metal, but the band themselves call it simply “rock and roll”.

Can a beginner learn thunderstruck?

Thunderstruck is not easy to play, that’s for sure. If you’re a beginner, don’t try to play it. One must to be at least intermediate guitar player to be able to even begin learning that legendary Thunderstruck riff.

Does thunderstruck use tapping?

Pick every note – you’ll have to use alternate picking of course. There is NO tapping nor are there hammer ons / pull offs in this song.