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What is the highest paying non medical job?

What is the highest paying non medical job?

21 highest-paying nonmedical jobs

  1. Nuclear engineer. National average salary: $93,259 per year.
  2. Judge. National average salary: $95,046 per year.
  3. Finance manager. National average salary: $97,375 per year.
  4. Statistician.
  5. Compensation and benefits manager.
  6. Hardware design engineer.
  7. Front-end developer.
  8. Senior project manager.

What jobs make you rich UK?

The 10 highest paid jobs in the UK…and how to get one

  • Marketing Directors.
  • Aircraft pilots.
  • Financial managers and directors.
  • In-house Lawyers.
  • Air traffic controllers.
  • Medical practitioners.
  • IT and communication directors.
  • Financial institution managers and directors.

What jobs make 100k a year UK?

Jobs that make 100k a year

  • Chief Executive.
  • Brokers.
  • Air Traffic Controller.
  • Corporate and Financial Managers.
  • Prime Minister.
  • Attorney.

What jobs make 200 an hour?

Here is the list of the top jobs that pay over $100 an hour:

  • Life coach.
  • Underwater welder.
  • Freelance photographer.
  • Political speechwriter.
  • Tattoo artist.
  • Massage therapist.
  • Interior designer.
  • Commercial pilot.
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What is the easiest high paying job UK?

20 Easy and Well-paid Part Time Jobs

  • Temp Work (Temping) What happens when you want to make extra money, but you’re not sure which days, or weeks you’re going to be available?
  • Freelance Work.
  • Cleaner.
  • Carer or Caring Assistant.
  • Night Shifts.
  • Get Crafty.
  • Part-Time Office Work.
  • Local Shops or Supermarkets.

What jobs are fun and pay well UK?

Travel Agent. Salary Range: £14,000-£32,000 per year.

  • Interior Designer. Salary range: £20,000 – £44,000 per year.
  • Pastry Chef. Salary range: £25,000 – £38,000 per year.
  • Marketing Specialist. Salary range: £23,000 – £54,000 per year.
  • Graphic Designer. Salary range: £22,000 – £40,000 per year.
  • Event Planner.
  • Flight Attendant.